Really interesting how it has a cover,when in the pics is not seenable,but if you say,it's true It look like maybe almost in the end of this month or start of the next will apear the phone.. Maybe sooner.. Who knows.. We wait..
Beiträge von PcMan
billiger_jakob thanks for the info
I hope you will understandme in eng
As I undestand from your words it shoud have some document,that prove the real value of the thing in the packet? Maybe the guarantee from the manufacturer with the price written in it will be enough to prove the real price ? Or some other document shoul be included in the box?
Also I understand from you that UPS calculate the taxes,taken from the border in the recivier's country,and they add this taxes in your transport tax? And DHL does not do that ? Or I don't understand you ?
Thanks :top:
P.S where is theo with the tes ? :confused: :p -
Original geschrieben von theo_bangkok
Was fuer ein Schocker!Ich werde Morgen ja zum i-mobile Shop gehen.Dann schaue ich mal ins Magazin rein.Also entweder hat der RonKa das falsch gelesen,oder aber die Leute von i-mobile verarschen mich total am Telefon.Ich hoffe jetzt mal,dass alle meine Anrufe bei i-mobile nicht vergebens waren,und die mir immer nur Maerchen erzaehlt haben.Nun,Morgen werde ich mehr wissen.
Wie geagt,ich habe ja noch nie ein Handy nach Deutschland gesendet,aber wenn das mit der normalen Post in 5 Tagen auch funktioniert,warum nicht?Wir sind immer gluecklich,wenn jemand eine gute und billige Variante kennt,um das Handy zu senden.Am Ende soll jedoch der Kaeufer entscheiden,wie er das Handy gesendet haben will.
@THWS:Vielen Dank,aber ich sehe das locker.Ist ja ein Hobby,und wenn der RonKa das Handy billiger bekommt,hilft es ja auch euch allen.
@RonKa:So lange Du ehrlich bist,waere das ein Hilfe fuer mich,wenn Du das machen koenntest,da ich wirklich keine Zeit habe.Wo bist Du denn zu Hause in Thailand?
Also ich werde euch weiterhin auf dem Laufenden halten,und hier berichten,incl Test,wenn ich das Handy habe.Ich werde auch mein Versprechen halten,und denjenigen die eins haben wollen,eins zusenden.Sollte der RonKa das billiger bekommen,muesst Ihr entscheiden.Ein Hilfe waere es fuer mich,wenn bei vielen Bestellungen jemand wie der RonKa das uebernehmen koennte.
Gruesse aus Bangkok
With the post will be cheaper I guess,but in your previous posts you said that it's not 100% sure with the post,if I have not understand you than we can think about sending trough the post
btw the taxes in the daune is 30% (for my country) from the declared value.. It's not little
Greets -
Original geschrieben von theo_bangkok
@ PcManThank you. "he's the man",can you tell that to my wife?
If I could:top:
Greets -
Original geschrieben von THWS
Also wäre nicht mein Fall - das Display ist einfach veraltet, wenn man bedenkt dass heutzutage mind. 176x220 Pixel Standard sind...Aber egal. Ich möchte sowie so das I-Mobile :p
Same here :top: I think the 902 will be the best phone+camera+MP functions
I have no words.. :cool: We wait
Thanks to Theo again! he done so much for us,he's the man:top:
Original geschrieben von THWS
The phone is supporting only 1GB mini SD memory cards. This is written on the homepage from i-mobile.
Yes,i know that... But not one or two other phones/pda etc. from other companies supports one capacity in the official info from the company,and than when someone test them they work fine with bigger cards.
In this topic we discused that it's possible to work with 2gb two. It can't be said - Yes,it will not work with 2gb cards only because it's written in the info. The chance is little,but exists..When the test is completed with different cards than will be sure
For me is highly important to take one 2gb card(if there is in thai market,and if in the test it works fine with the phone) Because clearly 1gb+128 integrated with mpeg4 video player,mp3 player,superb camera,and when you insert some clips/films in mpeg4,mp3s and make some high resolutional pics(i gues ~1mb or bigger) and so on will be not so enough 1128MBs:P But we will see in the test report :top:
theo I think it's better first to be done the test and than to buy these 20 phones,because it's important for all vuyers to see more info before buy.
The last waiting.. one weak as you said until the release.. cool :top:
And one question - Is there 2GB microSD in Thai market ? Price maybe ? Because for such features and camera si highly needed 2gb memory.. :cool: -
Original geschrieben von leJustice
zu weihnachten wahrscheinlich
Very funny...
theo thanks for the info :top:
We will be waiting for soon release and test :cool: -
Ehh we again wait.. No other way.. We will wait :p Sooner minitest we hope so :top:
Good luck Theo
PcMan From Bulgaria :cool: