Beiträge von weltraumkuh



    Es koennte doch so moeglich sein, auch ein anderes OS (wenn denn
    irgendwann mal eins existiert) zu benutzen. Dieses koennte dann gleich
    mehr Features haben, als das originale...

    Um es gleich beim Namen zu nennen: Im Neonode Formum gab es schon eine Diskussion Linux auf dem Neonode zu portieren :)

    Das ganze würde aber auch davon abhängig sein, inwieweit die genauen technischen Spezifikationen der Hardware bekannt gemacht werden.


    leider verstehe ich kein Wort, und hab keine Ahnung was der Typ da erzählt

    ich hab im NN Forum eine Übersetzung ins Englische gefunden (Autor Adam_k):

    Narrator : A challanger from Kista have put Nokia and Ericsson into motion.
    Its about a new kind af mobile phone that is on its way onto the market (I think its this word )in about a month.
    And its a group of 15 stockholmare (peeps that live in stockholm) that is behind all this.

    Magnus Goertz : We had ideas on what was needed, it was a big black hole in the field (market) regarding these kind of equipments.
    Mobile Phones haven't developed almost anything at all.
    Its just now that they are starting to get universal and in wich you can upload new software as time progress.

    Narrator : Two childhood friend have put everything into their company Neonode,
    a company they belive will be one of world-leading in their field 2007
    And it is in this field where giants such as Ericsson and nokia have difficulties.

    Narrator : It sure takes audacity/guts to get through. As Ericsson presented their new phone,
    Magnus Goertz and his colleague made the journalists write about their product instead.

    Magnus Goertz : The giants are sluggish and slow, we are small and fast. They need competition and we will give it to them.

    Narrator : And you do this all without payment at the moment?

    Magnus Goertz : Yes, we have now worked for three years without any payment so we have put everything we have and own into this.

    Narrator : What is it that makes you dare to do such commitment/ take such big chance?

    Magnus Goertz : Well you have to do some exiting things in life and this is what we have chosen and everyone is dedicated to work hard towards the same goal.

    Narrator : And the phone? to sum it up, its more a like a little computer.
    In this you can take photos, listen to music, watch some TV and of course make phonecalls.
    presumably it will be most popular among those people with already high computer-knowledge/habits.
    (didnt find a good word for "datorvana". anyone?)

    Magnus Goertz : It is advanced and with newer technology it will become more and more advanced so it is not all that easy to learn everything.
    Todays youth/young people have good computer-knowledge/habits and are good with the internet and those things will come in good use with this aparatus.


    Vorbestellungen sind wohl jetzt möglich. Auf der Startseite gibt es jetzt einen Preorder Button. Ich habe mich mal eingetragen und folgende automatische Antwort bekommen:

    Relax! Now you are safe, you are one of the ones, all the details you entered is being taken care of by our crew! When it is your turn to buy the N1 Neonode, you will be contacted via the [...] address, based on your waiting list number and based on the details you entered.

    A few of you will in the nearest future be given the opportunity to buy the N1 Neonode, limited edition. Besides being one of the historical first ever to own an N1 Neonode, the limited edition will be numbered. The owners will get extra perks on the site etc. This offer will only be avaliable to a limited number of people, and will be time
    limited. Make sure to check your mail frequently.

    BTW, Thanx! For your massive interest, in the forum, by mail and in other ways. You make us
    work even harder! With all your help we will continue to change the rules of the mobile
    world, to upset, to bother, and to have fun!

    /the Neonode crew

    By accepting this mail You accept the following terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and condition, please destroy this mail immediately.

    Terms and Conditions:
    this mail is not a receipt of an order confirmation. It does does not constitute confirmation of an offer to sell, nor an obligation to sell anything.

    Weiss jemand wann es das SH251iS in Deutschland geben wird ?
    Hat jemand schon das Teil in der Hand gehabt ? Insbesondere das Display ist sicherlich interessant.
    Welche 3D Features gibt es da ? Es sollen ja irgendwie 3D Fotos möglich sein.