Beiträge von Nocko


    Ich habe eine Frage und finde kein Antwort, oft habe ich in Fernsehen gesehen diese Werbung mit Byonce und True Star Parfüm und in diesen spot sie singt so schöne ("Whising you a star......"), ich habe schon in Netz gesucht aber nichts gefunden!

    Ich kann mich noch erinnern wen du diesen Parfüm gekauft hast has tu Graties noch ein CD won Byonce bekommen!

    Hat jemand diese song? Ich möchte das als Klingelton haben für 6230!


    you can answer me in german, because I undestand all but I can write the german sings so I rather write in english.

    I have also try the Oxygen Phone Manager for Nokia 2.6.1 but it has a big problems with my SMS, it doesn't cop to Pc but it erase from the phone!

    It's very easy to get 200 SMS per day, I have a lot of friedns who write SMS rather than call, and some girlfriends who are obsed with the SMS and wolla there are 200, but it isn't every day so.

    You know when you study and you are in the school it's boring and we write sms to each other!


    I have one question, I'm using my 6230 for some weeky I have also bought data cable that I can connect 6230 to my PC!

    First I use Nokia PC Suite, but I can't find any option that I can recover or save my short message to my PC, so that I can read it with *txt or *doc documents!

    I would like to know it's any other SW for that, because I daily recieve from 50 to 200 SMS and I would like to know what did people write to me whe I delete SMS from my phone!

    I hope that you can help my!

    Have a nice day!

    @ Nocko

    If you can read some people have the new SW 5.24 on one american forum I have read that:

    I hope that I can get this SW as fast as I can!


    First of all sorry, that I write in english, I would like write in german, but my kaybord don't suport all this german sings.

    I have one question, I have my 6230 for a week, I'm very happy with this phone, just the battery life could be longer and the themes are missing!

    I would like to ask you if anyone can tell me, how can I turn of the provider name (SI MOBITEL), it is very lond and look very bad if I have some cool wallpapers.

    In the phone menu I have seen a function like Provider logo or so and it is default Off, what should I do, because I wouldn't have this long provider name!

    Has anyone the information that the new SW 5.24 will fix the bug with black wallpapers and calling ID?

    You can normal answer in german! :top:
