Beiträge von mea

    geht. allerdings nicht direkt bei o2. schau dich mal auf seiten wie oder so um. die subventionen für ein neues handy sind zwar recht bescheiden, aber da kann man nichts machen...

    fyi: auch mit dem Pack S (30mb) kommt man nur für email, widgets, instant messaging und n bischen surfen wunderbar aus. es werden ja immer nur kleinste datenmengen übertragen - und die meisten seiten haben eine abgespeckte 'mobile-version' um den traffic gering zu halten.

    mit M fühl ich mich aber doch wohler =)

    Nokia E66 FW 300.21.012


    This release is a major feature release and also was intended to correct main complaints from Customers and Operators


    * Mail for Exchange 2.9
    * Numonyx USB Flashing support
    * Gimlet 5.2 (v
    * Turkish SMS Support
    * Support for Rapido Yawe 1.15
    * Myspace, Youtube and Facebook support (NA for HK and Taiwan variants)
    * User experience improvements
    * Increased robustness of the Home Key functionality. This helps avoid the problem of Home key not opening the menu.


    * Improved Switch application functionality
    * Internet Radio 1.15 Increased Functionality and Stability
    * VoIP upgrade Improved functionality and stability
    * Download Client 3.2 Greater stability and improved functionality
    * Email Setup Wizard Update Supports Gimlet 5.2
    * Simplified MMS Notification handling support
    * Support for conference numbers longer than 24 digits
    * Improvements in Browser for seamless YouTube support
    * Language menu can be accessed when Chinese Language is used
    * Bug fixes for the NokiaPC Internet AccessApplication
    * Improved BT headset connectivity
    * Many functionality and Stability improvements in MfE.


    * Stability and functionality improvements
    * Increased robustness in handling SMS
    * Updated Time zones
    * Updated Operator names database
    * Localisation improvements
    * Updated Startup settings
    * Security Updates and vulnerability fixes
    * Phone not suspending packet data connection when receiving call Fixed.
    * Many bug fixes for MyNokia feature.
    * Minor audio related bugs fixed
    * Updated helps


    * Minor stability improvements


    * Minor improvements in Call handling and quality


    * Stability and Minor Functionality improvements


    * WLAN functionality Improvements
    * Fix to prevent Wifi Certification issues when Wifi alliance moves to Win 2008 as the test server
    * Fix for the one way audio problem seen in Cisco VoIP client
    * Memory leak fixes


    * Minor UI Improvements
    * Stability and functionality improvements for search functionality


    * Mail for Exchange upgraded from 2.7.22 to 2.9.158
    * Gimlet updated to v5
    * Email setup wizard updated
    * Support for Exchange Server 2007 in MfE
    * Many functionality and stability improvements in MfE
    * Robust Synchronisation of Calendar and email items.


    * Improved functionality
    * Increased application stability


    * Increased A-GPS stability
    * Better stability in location services.


    * Usability improvements


    * Support for receiving more SMSs. Allows more than 4000 messages in inbox.


    * Application updates and many stability and functionality improvements

    VOIP / SIP

    * Many Usability, stability and functionality improvements

    hatte das problem auch - ein anruf bei der hotline hat jedoch alles geregelt. der abgebuchte betrag wird auf der nächsten rechnung gutgeschrieben. man rief mich ein paar tage später sogar extra nochmal an, um das nochmals zu bestätigen.