also unterstützung für mehr bluetooth headsets und autofreisprecheinrichtungen...
hier wär noch ein screenshot vom music player
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also unterstützung für mehr bluetooth headsets und autofreisprecheinrichtungen...
hier wär noch ein screenshot vom music player
hab das ganze zeugs noch nicht oben...
hab auch nicht vor alles mögliche zu installen, ich hau ja bald die deutsche version rauf wenn ich drankomm also arbeit umsonnst.
gruß, Flyingfox
bechmark mach ich ned... screenshots kannst du habn
muss aber erst noch die kamera such also in ca ner halben stunde hast du die "beweisfotos"
hab die neue firmware jetzt oben
V 5.03.08
Nokia 6630
(ist eigentlich ne arabische firmware aber egal... english ist auch dabei, ne andere hab ich ned gefunden)
also die erste neuerung die einem Sofort ins auge sticht, ist der neue Music Player das handy ist jetzt zu ner art MP3 player mutiert.
1. neuerung
folgende Menüpunkte gibts im player:
- All Songs
- Playlists
- Artists
- Albums
- Recently added
- Go to Now Playing
und die lautstärke kann man immer mit dem steuerkreuz justieren
2. neuerung
wenn man text eingibt ist zusätzlich zu dem Strich noch ein kleines dreieck hinzugefügt worden damit man besser sieht wo man ist beim sms schreibn.
3. neuerung
handy läuft wesentlich schneller als mit der 4.xx.xx
4. erweiterte unterstützung für headsets, car cits, bluetooth freischprecheinrichtungen, und schleifenheadsets
5. aufgenommene Videos laufen flüssiger
gruß, Flyingfox
Eine neue Firmware ist im anmarsch
folgende wär es: 5.03.08
hier die änderungen:
ZitatAlles anzeigenChanges/improvements made from MCU SW v 4.03.40 to v 5.03.08:
- Telephony
- FDN phonebook stability improvements.
- DTMF play speed corrected.
- Improvements to incoming call handling when playing games.
- CLI shown now correctly after a fax call.
- Improvements to automatic redialling.
- Correction for reset problem when receiving forwarded call from
- When changing active code from PIN to UPIN, UPIN is asked, too.
- SAT Play tone volume increased.
- Phonebook’s thumbnail images shown when scrolling.
- Service provider name shown correctly when SPDI read from USIM.
- Audio and Video
- Corrections to RV8 decoder algorithm and MP3/AAC decoder.
- Playing clips without information of number of audio channels
- Streaming quality enhanced.
- Audio routing corrected for Nokia Cark112.
- Pause/resume functionality improved when using Vidiator server.
- Browser
- Browser stability improvements.
- Browser behaviour improved when browsing certain pages.
- Language selection for google corrected.
- Pages with background wallpaper now shown correctly.
- WAP email PDP context drop issues solved.
- Resuming after service lost works now correctly.
- Messaging
- Stability improvements to IMAP mailbox.
- Mail inbox update is now working correctly.
- Extra line feeds removed from email.
- Notification added when rights object received in inbox.
- SMS sending failure for multiple addresses corrected.
- SMS proactive command interpretation improved.
- Receiving Chinese SMS containing more than 45 characters no longer
causes shorter standby time.
- Chinese input added to mailbox user settings.
- Support for Unicode SMS character counter added.
- Video Call
- VT call behaviour improved if audio channel is closed and reopened
with different bit rate.
- Unmuting audio sending during video call is now possible.
- Overlapping in calling to video mailbox corrected.
- Video sharing stability improved.
- Video Share item added to incall option menu.
- Share video option no longer disappears from option’s menu after 3rd
party MT call.
- Video call can now be established correctly with Ericsson VIG.
- THAI language supported now in Snowboard game.
- New error note added if MMC formatting fails.
- Stability improvements for FTP upload.
- Extra security code added to prevent users to play non DRM protected
AAC files by renaming the file.
- Correction for USSD channel closing.
- Boot-up ensured even if there is corrupted MMC or corrupted font files in
- Access point configurator updated.
- Operator name list updated.
- Bluetooth stability with other vendor’s headsets improved.
- Default image resolution changed from Normal to High.
- SyncML client temporary data excluded in backup.
- LifeBlog account registration succeeding.
- Media gallery handles better long play list names and large images.
- Alarm clock volume adjustments.
- Validity check added before setting currency symbol.
- Dialup works now after USB PictBridge printing.
- BT deactivation behaviour with certain headsets improved.
- Folder path name length extended to max. 255 characters.
- All streaming links played correctly from .ram file that contains several
streaming links.
- New error note added for out of memory situations.
- Java – Install/Notify problem corrected.
- Support for multiple BT connections.
- Serial port signalling handling improved.
gruß, FLyingfox
hier wären noch die Änderungen:
ZitatAlles anzeigenChanges/improvements made from MCU SW v to v4.03.38:
2-digit voice mailbox numbers supported (e.g. “*30”), earlier minimum
was 3 or more numbers
GSM AMR voice codec supported
Behavior improved when Call Control and FDN is activated
Operator name display functionality improved
USAT Mobile originated Short Message Control supported
USAT Send DTMF supported
Terminal now responds also to unsupported SIM ATK commands to
ensure running toolkit application can continue running allthough some
spesific commands would not be supported
Handling of SIM phonebook with additional numbers (ANR) improved.
Handling of long SIM ADN contacts (up to maximum 30 numbers)
Terminal can better handle USIM phonebooks with differing sizes of
ADN blocks
Interoperability with specific RAN infrastructure improved
Phone behavior improved when performing ISHO
Phone behavior improved in weak field conditions when performing a
blind handover from WCDMA to GSM
Audio and Video:
Wider UDP and bandwidth ranges available in phone variant SW
Streaming rate adaptation supported
Interoperability improved for some servers
Identification and playback of some streaming files identified to be
3GPP rel6 format now possible (please note that Nokia 6630 does not
support all 3GPP rel6 streaming requirements)
Resuming of streaming after pausing or MT call improved
Up to 2MB DRM protected files can now be set as ringing tones
Handling of pause and play with long MP3 variable bit rate files
Ringing tone playback improved in low memory situations
Handling of content with multiple nested object tags improved
Handling of underlined links improved, link visibility now better for end
Handling of saved browser pages with inconsistent HTTP content-type
header and actual encoded content text type improved
Browser memory handling improved.
Decoding of HTML tag information when split between different TCP
packets improved
HTTP pipelining will be set as disabled in terminal to ensure correct
display of images and other content when used with spesific content
servers (IIS 4.0, 5.0 and Netscape-Enterprise 3)
Cookie handling on some webpages improved. ECMAScript handling
Handling of white space encoding for plug-ins changed, browser no
longer closes itself
Table rendering improved
Browser can be closed in memory low situations to free memory to
other launching applications e.g. video call.
Wallpaper background picture handling improved
Receiving Chinese SMS containing more than 45 characters no longer
causes shorter standby time in idle state if messaging centre is left
open in background.
Video Call:
Video Telephony DTMF tones supported (UII messages)
Bluetooth headset supported during VT call
Further improvements on video call setup time implemented
Improvements in video call quality
Some localisation texts updated
Automatic access point settings updated
PC Dialup over USB improved
Filetransfer to PC over Bluetooth improved
Bluetooth headset connection swapping between headset and mobile
Symbian installation trust setting for Geotrust CA for UTI used for verifying
signing of midlets now set to “untrusted” instead of trusted.
Java Audio playback improved
MMS handling improved
Global GCF 3G WDCMA Certification
Temporary data removal improved in system boot-up sequence
Two digit voice-mail number supported
WCDMA RB Test Mode UE Loopback Mode improved
die neuste NEUTRALE Firmware für das 6630 ist die:
die hab ich seit heute oben
hier ein beweisfoto:
die 4.03.13 gibt es nur in der Brandigvariante --> Keine Neutrale vorhanden
wenns das handy bei 80% beim FLashen aufhängt hat es 4 bootloader statt 2 da fängt die Phoenix Software zwar an zu flashen bricht aber dann ab....
dazu sagt man Pech --> diese Phänomen tritt bei den L1 und L2 Centern auf weil die per DUK-2 und FLS-4 Flashen.
da hilft nur noch ein L3 Service Center --> Einschicken
Flashen mit FPS-8/10/11 mit denen ist alles möglich
gruß, FLyingfox
nein ist kein Österreichischer Netzbetreiber.
ein Englischer soweit ich weiß.
Die Firmware ist ofiziell niergends erhältlich!! weder in Österreich noch in Deutschland, Schweiz oder sonnst wo.
aber inofiziell hab ich sie, aber das kann ich leider nicht weiter ausführen, weil ich dann gegen die Forenregeln verstoßen würde. :mad:
gruß, FLyigfox
ich hab jetzt die neue Firmware drauf inkl. Orange branding
die hab ich:
V 4.03.18
also Push to talk funktioniert definitiv NICHT!
aber ein bisschen schneller läuft das handy, wenigstens etwas...
gruß, Flyingfox
und schon wieder ne neue FImware fürs 7610:
Changes/improvements made from MCU SW v 4.0437.4 to 5.0509.0:
- Call and network management:
- Improvements to ringing tone handling in IHF when headset is connected
- When switching Auto time update on, date & time are not asked
- “Error in connection” -message no longer displayed when activating incoming call
- Incoming call –case corrected
- Improvement to GPRS PDP context activation after multiple successful connections
- Improvements to GPRS attach/detach functionality
- CSD:
- Improvements to CSD connection establishments if GPRS always online is used
- Improvements to dial-up connection over USB in Win XP
- Proper execution of “send USSD command”
- SMS:
- Improvements to message counter
- Improvements to SMS editor when T9 used
- Improvements to T9 dictionary handling (China specific)
- First character also seen when using theme 4 (China specific)
- Finding Web address in message no longer stops at ","
- MMS:
- Correct error notification displayed when inserting video to MMS
- Improvements to MMS sending after resumed from GPRS suspend
- E-mail:
- DRM protected video clip cannot be inserted to email from attachments view. Error message "Unable to add invalid attachment" shown
- Instant messaging
- Chat UI localization corrections
- GPRS disconnection improvements when logging out from IM server
- Improvements to message forwarding to IM contacts
- In ServiceRequests ClientID element, if MSISDN element is present, it cannot be empty. If application doesn't have any special ClientID it will send default value instead
- Voice mail waiting indicator:
- Improvements to soft notifications for the second voice mail waiting indicator
- Browser
- Base64 encoding in multipart/mixed rendering
- WTAI – note localization improvements
- Browser stability improved when refreshing saved page
- Nokia Wireless keyboard (SU-8W) support added for browser input fields
- Improvements for displaying Chinese characters in browser (China specific)
- Disconnect improvements when browsing over CSD
- WAP SI-PUSH message saving corrections
- Improvements in COD downloading
- Wrapping improvements in browser
- Hyperlink selection corrected
- Streaming:
- Some 3gp files did not work with 7610
- Improvement to streaming pause handling when streaming over GPRS nw mode1 and MT call received
- Improvements for playing H263 files in Real Player
- Streaming stability improvements when receiving MMS during streaming
- Bluetooth:
- Bluetooth stability improvements
- Gallery:
- Media gallery stability improvements during file handling
- Alarm:
- Phone freeze case with locked MMC card and alarm corrected
- MMC:
- Memory card name localization improvements (China specific)
- MMC backup stability improvements
- Manual video editor:
- Manual video editor stability improvements
- USB:
- USB cable connection/disconnection improvements
- Helps:
- Lunar calendar removed from English help for Chinese SW
- Note & Tips localization corrections (China specific)
- Improvements to Login process to Kodak Mobile service
- Improvements to Nokia Flashlight PD-2 and imaging applications interaction
- Operator name list updated
Needed equipment for software update:
- Phoenix Service Software version 2005.04.6.84 or later
- Product Data Package v5.0
- PKD-1 Dongle & Activated Flash Prommer FPS-8/FPS-10 or
FLS-4 POS Flash Dongle
- Product specific service tools
gruß, FLyingfox