Beiträge von Correga

    Changelog fyi

    Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 3.81 to version 5.92:

    - Call and network management
    - Establishing a voice call while sending video sharing invitation
    - Functioning of DTMF tones improved
    - Functioning of video conference service improved
    - Displaying network name during manual network scanning improved
    - Selecting Dualmode improved
    - GPRS
    - Compatibility of video call with LG phone improved
    - EGPRS: When streaming improved
    - Streaming of 128 kb video improved
    - 3G-2G handover improved, when using GPRS in Car kit
    - SMS
    - Handling of empty files improved
    - Reading SMS’s during startup improved
    - Accessing SMS stored in SIM card improved
    - Handling of SMSC details improved
    - MMS
    - Moving messages and receiving message notifications at the same
    time improved
    - Composing a video clip when Bluetooth is turned on improved
    - Receiving a MMS with different content (audio + video + text)
    - Sending and receiving MMS simultaneously improved
    - Receiving and handling advertisement message improved
    - Replaying of MMS and SMS messages improved
    - WAP
    - Streaming service via WAP improved
    - Receive more than one WAP push message improved
    - XHTML
    - Viewing CNN's pages improved
    - Streaming sessions stability improved
    - Applications
    - New words entered into dictionary and storing them for later use
    - Improvement when playing music file after the video call is just ended
    - Making an audio recording when the phone memory is full improved
    - Playing videos from Planet 3 link in gallery from Media Player improved
    - Support for Homezone improved
    - SIM
    - Compatibility with RUIM SIM cards improved
    - Improvement for Class 2 messages
    - Reading the voice mail number from the USIM card improved
    - In silent mode functioning of vibra optimized
    - In Italian displaying voice recorder file name during recording improved
    - In Hebrew making the breaks in the text has been improved
    - Connect to Bluetooth headset BH-900 improved
    - Streaming audio file from an unsupported format improved
    - Loudspeaker and PoC tone levels improved
    - Using soft key ‘Back’ during streaming improved
    - Support for 1000 contacts SIM cards improved
    - Functioning of instant messaging improved
    - Starting up the phone improved
    - Voice mailbox number can be changed after the first time setting
    - Changing video call ringing tone and previewing videos saved in the folder
    - Updating the video mailbox number improved
    - Operator list updated
    - New supported features
    - Sending of multiple files using “File Send”
    - FOTA
    - Progressive download
    - USIM/ISIM support for 3GPP IMS authentication/registration
    - Real-time video sharing application (both video and speech)
    - Support for stereo BT headset (A2DP)
    - Ability to launch MIDlet on SD card from native code
    - SVGT 1.1 non-Latin fonts
    - BT SDAP (Service Discovery Application Profile)
    - OPN and SPN is shown in separate fields
    - Customizing the calendar (alarm) event tone
    - Copy - Paste Support for Editors
    - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC – decoding only
    - Add recipient from Call List
    - Flight mode
    - Remember recently entered Go to addresses in a browser
    - Audio volume adjustment with volume keys, while running Java midlets
    - Scaling from QCIF to QVGA quality when streaming
    - Using documents in XML and SOAP formats within java programs
    - MMS API (Wireless Messaging API 2.0)
    - PoC with Bluetooth Headset / Handsfree
    - Storing of holidays in Calendar
    - Holidays is distinguished from other notes in Calendar
    - BT Handsfree Profile 1.5.
    - Phonebook groups support for starting PTT dial out call
    - Support for MSISDN in PoC group invitation
    - Multimedia Players to support WMA
    - New Contact Detail Fields in Phonebook
    - Skip MMS editor when sending
    - Vibra feedback in startup/shutdown
    - Email IV client
    - Support EF-EHPLMN field in USIM
    - SVG - support for opacity and gradients in SVG
    - Extended use of camera landscape mode
    - Mobile 3D Graphics API v1.1
    - Java Calculator
    - Support 3GPP or 3GPP2 as ring tone/message alert
    - Factory reset to restore variant settings
    - "Call divert" added to 'Go to' options"
    - Video Screensaver doesn’t mute music player
    - Prevent SDP files from being forwarded