Beiträge von Jility


    Original geschrieben von noiZe
    Also ein wenig googlen ergibt, dass das überhaupt nix mit dem KC550 zu tun hat... geht darum, wie LG mit ihren Firmwares verfährt. Aka v10a und v10f sind bis aufs Branding gleich!

    Hab was interessantes gefunden:

    "V10h will be just another network version for T-Mob. They probably changed a screensaver and the NYX Menu again or something. WOW. That is why is it still V10! It is not an upgrade.

    All V10 firmwares are the same people. Apart from MINOR changes & the PXO's & MODULE files.

    Everyone needs to look at these firmwares in a different way.
    The naming and the fact it is firmware is what is throwing alot of peeps on here.
    You should look at it like this:
    v10a - Unbranded Original LG version
    v10b - Branded Vodafone
    v10c - Branded O2 version 1 branding/Orange Version 1 Branding
    v10d - Branded Orange Version 2 Branding
    v10e - Branded O2 version 2 branding
    v10f - Branded ? SFR France version?
    v10g - Branded ? unknown
    v10h - Branded T-Mob version 2 branding
    That list will not be exact, but i'm sure you can see my point. They are just different brandings. So slightly different NYX menus and stuff."