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falls noch irgendwelche Schlauköpfe hier sind, die bezüglich Datenspeicher ne Idee, ne Lösung haben...RAUS DAMIT
Advanced Configuration Tool:…ation-tool/downloads.html
damit lassen sich fast alle ordner auf die speicherkarte bzw auf den internen speicher legen.
am meisten platz benötigt opera temp sowie googlemaps
könnte mir vielleicht jemand mit einem freien gerät, die beiden dateien:
"Startup.gif + shutdown.gif"
aus dem Windows-order irgendwo hochladen ?
ich möchte meine o2 start/shutdown-animation loswerden. -
Ein-/Ausschaltanimation mit O2-Bildern (läßt sich ändern)
wie lässt sich das ändern? -
zu 1.
ZitatI've seen a lot of people asking how they can boost their volume of their headsets or when watching a movie through the loud speaker (its very low). Even ringtones are effected by this. So I thought I better finally register and post my findings for other I900 owners.
Its quite simple and does not require a hard rest.
In the phone keypad type: *#0002*28346#
You will then have a screen pop up called audio control util.
How to change the loudspeaker volume for ringtones, movies, mp3s etc
Click menu, normal then handset (the first one, Phones headset/loudspeaker) Here you can change:
Speaker volume: SPK(02) -db is less volume, I have set this to -1.5db (level)
Digital-to-analog: DAC(0C) This effects the overall volume of Mp3s, movies etc -both headset and loud speaker. I have set this to 0db.
Radio Volume: RVOLHow to change the headset / earphones volume.
Click menu, normal then headset (the second one, Headphones) Here you can change:
Headphones volume: HP(02) -db is less volume +db is more volume, I have set this to 0db (level)
Digital-to-analog: DAC(0C) This effects the overall volume of Mp3s, movies etc. I have set this to 0db.
Radio Volume: RVOL*You must click menu / apply for changes to take effect,
*I recommend play a Mp3 launch the app, then apply the changes and set your prefered max volume.
*Setting high levels could damage the loud speaker or your headphones, not to mention your hearing!.So there you have it, you can have headphones louder than an iphone or ipod if you wish. I don't recommend touching other settings unless you know what your doing or have copied the defaults so you can revert back incase you srew something up!
Many thanks Paul for H1 firmware, btw if this is handy for users could it be stickyed?? smile.gif
hese are default values in case anyone wants to revert back
Menu > Normal > Handset
DAC(0C) -4.5
SPK(02) -3
MPBST(22) +12
RBST(14) +0
RVOL(12) 21Menu > Normal > Headset
DAC(0C) -1.5
HP(04) -12
MPBST(22) +24
RBST(14) +20
RVOL(12) -1.5Menu > Normal > Camcoder
DAC(0C) -4.5
SPK(02) -3
MPBST(22) +12
RBST(14) +20
RVOL(12) 15Menu > Talking > Handset
RCV(02) -3
RX(16) -3
MPBST(22) +12
MVOL(0E) 0
M2BST(10) +0
TX(08) -6Menu > Talking > Earjack
HP(04) -7.5
RX(16) -6
MPBST(22) +12
MVOL(0E) 0
M2BST(10) 0
TX(08) -6Menu > Talking > Speakerphone
SPK(02) -1.5
RX(16) 0
MPBST(22) +12
MVOL(0E) -3
M2BST(10) +0
TX(08) -6Menu > Talking > BTMono
ADCV(12) +4.5
RX(16) -6
V2M(18) -9
TX(06) -9AC97
Address 00
Value 0000
Mark FFFFzu 2.
garnicht, meine xvids werden ohne umkonvertieren korrekt dargestellt
ansonsten: avs video converter…IbB3aKY6JUCFQFbtAodb2ACYA -
weiss jemand ob es ein ladekabel mit "durchschleiffunktion" gibt, ein kabel also welches gleichzeitiges laden und musikhören über headset erlaubt ?