Beiträge von DerMitDen8GB

    War mal eben auf KeyNetik und die sagen es soll auf der 8 gb auch funzen

    Here is a workaround to get RnS to work on N95-8GB, courtesy of protochip

    Zitat:I did 5 more tests and talked to my friends from msn who has n95-8gbs, now I can confirm that ROTATEME is the main issue widely... In order to run RnS in n95-8gbs ROTATEME must be uninstalled also users must disable autostart feature of flipsilent,shakesms and any other acc based apps... Then reboot n95-8gb and now Rns can be started... After starting RnS, users can start any other acc based application...

    1-Install POWERBOOT freeware application(
    2-Install RDaccelerometerplugin and RnS.
    3-Configure RnS to autostart Within POWERBOOT ( must be first app to autostart )
    4-Install FLIPSILENT AND SHAKESMS and use their autostart feature...
    5-Reboot your device and now you can use them together after reboot without starting them manually... ( Tested with my device and other 4 n95-8gbs )

    According to my tests for n95-8gb, there is no need to uninstall those acc based applications if users can deactive them not to run during boot process... Especially flipsilent,rotateme and shakesms has autostart features and users can off the autostart feature within these applications... This is what i did and RnS worked...So RnS must be started first after a fresh reboot!!! If any other acc apps is started even once then there is no way to run RnS beta 1 until a fresh reboot... Of course this issue may change phone to phone...

    A minute ago i tested RnS with 3 different n95-8 gbs of my friends and confirmed to work if RnS is started first after boot process... Also here i didnt uninstall any other acc based applications just off the autostart features of flipsilent,rotateme and shakesms...

    EDIT: I tested with another n95-8g and this time i had to uninstall just rotateme not flipsilent(autostart off) and shakesms(autostart off) in order to run RnS... Strange... So it seems that Rotateme is the main problem in some n95-8gbs for RnS, but also other acc apps must not be started during boot process ... Hope this helps !

    Kann das mal jemand kurz und knackig übersetzten??

    bin jetzt schon am scheitern


    - Install N95AccelerometerPlugin.sis to your N95 device

    - Extract files:
    - RDAccelerometer.h and RDAccelerometerObserver.h to your SDK's \epoc32\include directory
    - *.dso and *.lib files to your SDK's \epoc32\release\armv5\LIB directory


    - Add library RDAccelerometer.lib to your application project file
    - Derive MRDAccelerometerObserver interface class in selected application class in order to receive accelerometer data via HandleAccelerationL() method
    - Create an instance of CRDAccelerometer and give reference to above mentioned deriving class as a parameter
    - After the instance is created accelerometer data is automatically sent via HandleAccelerationL() method. Parameter values as follows (see RDAccelerometerObserver.h for more information).
    - 1G acceleration is equal to 64
    - 0G acceleration is equal to 0
    - (-1G) acceleration is equal to (-63)
    - Stop receiving accelerometer data simply by deleting the CRDAccelerometer instance