Kann bem N8 eigentlich der Bildschirm um 360° gedreht werden?
Das sich der Bildschirm also egal wie man dad Handy hält immer richtig ausrichtet?
Bei meinem N82 gibts ja nur 0° und 90° Rotation.
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Kann bem N8 eigentlich der Bildschirm um 360° gedreht werden?
Das sich der Bildschirm also egal wie man dad Handy hält immer richtig ausrichtet?
Bei meinem N82 gibts ja nur 0° und 90° Rotation.
Zitatchillin: Nein, es ist nicht möglich Kamerafunktionen als Verknüpfung auf dem Homescreen festzulegen.
meinte eigentlich auf dem kamerabildschirm, wo auch die buttons für einstellungen, zoom etc. zu sehen sind...
weiss jemand ob man shortcuts zu den kamerafuntionen auf den bildschirm legen kann?
z.B. für den Makromodus
was ich bisher auf den videos gesehn habe sieht ziemlich umständlich aus....
ZitatAlles anzeigenHere is little FAQ for people who are concerned about software support for the N8 and Symbian^3:
- Will the N8 be able to run all the apps and games that are already made for S60 5th?
YES! Symbian^3 is backwards compatible while also having the new native Qt system integrated into the OS. So, essentially you can say the Symbian^3 is a hybrid since it has both the S60/Avkon system AS WELL AS the new Qt system.
- Will the N8 be able to run all the Java apps written for S60 5th J2ME?
YES! It will run just fine, and probably a lot faster than on S60 5th devices.
- Will apps written in Qt for the N8 / Symbian^3 run on future Symbian^4 devices?
YES! That's one of cardinal ideas behind Qt, the aim is to throw out S60/Avkon in Symbian^4.
- Will Qt apps also run on older S60 5th devices?
YES! With an automatic download of the Qt libraries through a smart installer, this will work also. The user shouldn't notice anything.
- Will developers writing Qt apps for the N8 be able to publish them for Maemo/Meego devices?
YES! The Qt SDK supports building the SAME source-code for both platforms. Qt works in exactly the same way across Maemo/Meego, Symbian^3 and Symbian^4. Even games written in Qt and OpenGL ES can be build and hence work on those platforms.
- Will Symbian^4 be able to run old native S60 apps?
No, it will not. That's why Symbian^3 is first - to bridge the app support going from the old systems to the new unified Qt system.
Hope this answers people concerns.
Auf dem N8 (Symbian^3) laufen Programme/Games von:
-S60v3 5th
-Java für S60 5th J2ME
Auf Symbian 4 laufen dann "nur" noch Maemo/Meego und Symbian^3!
Das gört sich doch gut an! Wenn das N8 rauskommt gibts schon einige kompatible apps. und auch in zukunft werden wir noch neue apps bekommen (wenn sie auf dem N8 noch flüssig laufen...)
ZitatBis Dezember kommen Geräte auf den Markt, die das N8 wirklich absolut alt aussehen lassen werden.
Welche meinst du?
habe ein N82 und finde es viel zu lahm um vernünftige Schnappschusse einzufangen.
Hab deshalb Damian Dinning ein paar fragen bzgl. der N8 kamera gestellt und bin sehr überrascht...
ZitatAlles anzeigeni have som questins regarding the N8 camera:
1. Can we finally save own camera settings, so camera doesnt always start with default ones??
1. You can set a combination of default settings you like the camera to always start with
2. I dindt read anything about touch focus, maual focus or body tracking.
Why does nokia lack of these “standard” features on their new TOP camera phone??
this is standard on competitors phones.
2. Touch focus is on a number of products granted and we are looking at this
for the future. Some products do have exposure problems with this feature
though and we’re trying to find a way where we don’t recreate those problems.
The others I don’t think are standard features. The N8 does have face detection
and if the person moves it will track the face within the frame. SI that what you
meant. We also link the face detection to backlight and auto fill-flash. It also
factors in subject distance so it only fires of the subject is in the range of the
flash. I don’t known of any camera on the planet that currently does that.
3. Why is there no panorama mode?? nokia bought BitSide PanoMan and now they dont integrate the feature?? this is a joke…
3. I’m hoping we’ll have some good news coming here, keep an eye on the Ovi store in the future
4. How is the picture to picture time??
4. Typically around 1.5-2 seconds
Further to the above post, just seen the latest measurements and it looks
like I am being somewhat conservative re shot to shot time. Looks like the guys
have been making some further progress and this may come in even faster than
I quoted above.
5. How is the focus time? on my N82 it is way too much (1-2 sec)
5. Typically around 350ms, it’s really fast! This is one of the things I’m
most happy about, plus the shutter lag is around 150ms, so it’s really easy
to capture the precise moment now. It’s the fastest AF now in the industry.
You’re going to love it
A few other points you may want to know about: Stereo audio recording
with very high bit rates up to 12mbps in video. Audio is 128kbps. I’m especially
proud of the work the guys have done in the audio area. Plus our Active
hyper focal distance focus system in video means it’s really easy to film moving
objects and in low light without focus hunting. High performance virtually lossless
digital zoom up to 3x in video….
..jemand hat sich noch über den langsamen prozessor (<1Ghz) beschwert:
ZitatAlles anzeigenYes some handsets have 1GHz CPU’s but those CPU’s have to handle
everything. The N8’s GPU is dedicated for all the visual tasks freeing up the main
CPU for all the other tasks. You can fill the N8 up with 48 GB of videos, pictures
and music in my personal experience and it still runs smoothly. You really need to try it for yourself when you’re able. I’ve run maps, videos, photos, email and
whilst connected to HDMI with music running in the background then paused the
music to play an HD video, and it runs without a dropped frame or compression
artefact. N8 uses a red LED for focus assist, I don’t know how practical that
would be to be used as a torch, but wouldn’t be surprised if someone writes an
app at some point to use it for that.
Benutz doch einfach oggplay um deine mp3s abzuspielen,
da kann man auch direkt verzeichnisse anwählen
und du musst nicht erst playlists erstellen!
freeware zu finden hier
winamp old
Viel Spaß damit!
kauf dir doch einfach ein zertrifikat :top:
dann kanst du soviel signieren, wie du willst!
Ich suche einen startup-manager für mein n82,
damit ich ein paar programme automatisch nach handyneustart starten lassen kann.
habe bis jetzt noch keins für s60 v3 gefunden.
gibts sowas?
hat hier villeicht schon jemad sowas fürs n82 oder n95 etc.?
Hier gibts ein ausführliches Review:
Mir gefällts ja eigentlich ganz gut, aber die Verarbeitung soll noch schlechter sein wie die vom N82!
kann ich mir kaum vorstellen