Beiträge von Chris-DD

    Hallo zusammen,

    nach dreimonatiger Standzeit habe ich meinen VW-Bus T3 (Wohnmobil) gestern mit dem Starthilfegerät wieder flott gemacht, weil die Starterbatterie schwach war. Jetzt springt er auch problemlos wieder an. Die Batterien sind erst ein halbes Jahr alt.

    Nun habe ich aber folgendes Problem: Wenn ich beim Fahren nicht Gas gebe (z.B. bremsen vor der Ampel), geht der Motor aus. Was kann das sein? Bin nicht so ein Motorexperte.

    Danke und Gruß, Chris

    Hoffe, es wurde noch nicht gepostet: Habe gerade Eldars Beitrag auf gelesen. Können die E7-Besitzer diese harte Kritik teilen? Ich überlege gerade, eines zu kaufen...

    Now let's move to the main points. First of all I have to mention that I tested a commercial model with all updates and patches installed. Moreover, I even went to the service centre where I was told that the phone was fine. Why did I go there first of all? Without any additional software (only later on I installed Gravity) my handset was slow and reloaded all the time and to unlock it I had to wait for no less than 10 seconds. Engineers said that the memory was clogged by junk, which was not true as memory was almost completely free. Even the complete reload of the phone could not help with these issues. The record of Nokia E7 was three loads an hour. I tried to use E7 as my main phone for more than a week. My friends were surprised by this dedication and masochism. When I said that I was writing a review they offered condolences. The pinnacle of suffering was when the phone froze during the incoming call preventing me from answering. Then I understood that the trouble was created by a Bluetooth headset produced by another company. When I disconnected it the issue was solved for a brief period, but then it started again. It is the least stable Symbian smartphone I have ever had on my hands. To make sure it was not just bad luck I tried another phone from a different batch and used it in Spain, Germany and Bulgaria, but the song remained the same. The model has too many bugs.

    Business users will not find the phone desirable as its camera is not good enough. You cannot take a photo of a text. If you have skilful hands and can stay motionless for a long period then something can be done, but it is way cumbersome.

    The next trouble is with the browser. It is inadequate and cannot compete with Android or iOS. The browser in this model is just primitive. Even the Anna update I downloaded could not prevent the browser from being slow and vulnerable to sudden freezes, which affect the phone too. By the way, Anna still does not have a separate button to change languages on the virtual keypad. I cannot understand why Nokia programmers cannot fix this problem.

    Another disadvantage of Nokia E7 is that it closes the line-up of business models on Symbian with this form factor. Everything else will be based on Windows Phone 7. Symbian^3 will receive minimum support, what is clear from the number of "innovations" in Anna and plans for Belle. We cannot expect that all updates and patches will do away with key bugs.

    The initial price of the model was 495 Euros. It has no sales to boast and it will just gather dust on store shelves. Consumers simply ignore the phone. One of the reasons is that the CEO of Nokia publicly mentioned that all Symbian solutions are weak, which impacted the entire lineup. Nokia N8 costs much less, so the current model is overpriced. If you need a QWERTY keypad look for a couple of Android solutions you can snap up for much less. Such products are not popular, but Nokia somehow missed the point.

    @ Nokiahandyfan: Danke für den Hinweis.

    Hinzu kommt: Wir sind verheiratet, und eine Wohnung soll als gemeinsame Wohnung gelten. Das ist dann im Zweifel die, wo Mutter und Kind leben (Stadt A)? Dort ist auch die Kfz-Versicherung billiger.

    In der anderen Stadt muss man dann bei dieser Konstellation keine Zweitwohnungssteuer zahlen...

    Hallo zusammen,

    folgendes Szenario:
    - meine Frau und ich haben zuerst in Stadt A gewohnt
    - dann kam bei mir beruflich bedingt Nebenwohnung in Stadt B hinzu
    - dann Nachwuchs und zunächst gemeinsame Hauptwohnung in Stadt B
    - jetzt meine Frau beruflich bedingt wieder nach Stadt A
    - ich noch eine Weile in Stadt B, dann entscheiden wir neu

    Ich würde die derzeitige Wohnung in Stadt B gern wieder als Nebenwohnung steuerlich geltend machen. Also neue Wohnung in Stadt A zur gemeinsamen Hauptwohnung machen? Oder kennt Ihr dazu weitere Vorschriften / Tipps?

    Danke und Gruß, Chris