Beiträge von MikeManiac

    der M600 kernel einfach mit textedit umschreiben

    hatte auch das Problem bis ich das hier gefunden habe.... :-)

    das hier ändern und dann gehts :-)

    hi all!
    i just purchased a P1i and encountered a similar issue as several tiger users i.e. the p1i not being able to connect the phone as a USB mass storage device.
    as in the past i faced the same issue with my p990i, i installed the m600 usb enabler kindly programmed and provided by Magnus Nordlander even though the kernel extension was designed for the m600, it worked fine for my p990. unfortunately, as several users also tried, it does not work with the p1i.
    even though i'm not a programer of some sort, i decided to have a look at what was inside the extension and discovered that it's all based on a simple plist with a few lines of programming, stating id product, vendor, etc... i launched the USB PROBER app, plugged my P1i, gathered the IDPRODUCT info and found out that it was different than the one in the kext (m600 id = 57392 / p1i id = 57490). i changed it using textedit, saved the file, remove the old m600 extension and replaced it with the newly modified one, restarted the computer, plugged the p1i and VOILA! the memory card appears on the desktop.
    i just asked magnus and he gave me the go-ahead to share the info and the modified extension. you can find it attached. unzip, then drop the P1iUSBFileEnabler.kext in system > library > extensions. just make sure that you remove the old m600USBFileEnabler.kext (if you have previously installed it) and that you restart your mac after installing the p1i extension.
    like usual, all this is done at your own risk and you should only install this file if you fully understand that nobody but you will be responsible if your mac turns in flames or something like that...
    thx of any sort go to magnus for his major input in being able to use the sony smartphones on mac