Beiträge von Michl

    Du meinst wahrscheinlich das T300, das eine Art abgespeckte Version des T68i ist. Also quasi MMS im Low-Entry Bereich ...


    Re: )-: es geht nicht


    Original geschrieben von marnic
    also wir haben es eben versucht, emma will in ein gewandeltes m nur m software flashen, r2e vom t68i wird nicht angeboten, also muß se hoffentlich auch eine r2e für das m rausbringen, für mich als flasher wäre es einfacher anders herum gewesen, hätte mich nur noch um eine software kümmern müssen, aber so ist das leben... und die m-besitzer können weiter stolz sein ein echtes m zu haben!

    dann ist es wirklich so wie ich es vermutet habe: es heißt (wie auch in Emma geschrieben) t68m MMS

    Es gibt:

    T68m normal
    T68m MMS -> T68i (spielt R2E006 auf)
    T68i -> auf T68i (spielt auch R2E006 auf)


    Re: Alex


    Original geschrieben von Uno

    Wie ist das p800 so im Vergleich zum 7650?
    Wird wahrscheinlich kein erweiterbaren Speicher haben oder ?!

    Na ja, danke fürs erste und lg,

    Nein, die HW vom Gerät (p800) ist ja ansich fertig. Nur an der SW wird noch gefeilt, aber Memory Stick wird sicher keiner kommen.


    Und damit nun gar keine Fragen mehr kommen ...

    StarTAC Package Numbers

    Package Number Package Name Branding Contents Notes
    Where there a various versions of the same packet, these are exlpained in subdivisions This is the name as known in the market place, and may different to:
    the internal name
    the transceiver name (the number is listed in the contents column if relevant)
    Transceiver colour is noted in brackets if relevant
    This is the name that appears on the front of the phone, packaging etc. This column lists only the accessories included with the package, and the transceiver number. Manuals, packaging, and other literature are not shown
    Please note that there may be rare occasions when we cannot ship the components listed here. In these cases, we will temporarily ship equivalent parts. An example of this is shipping a Bosch-badged Travel Charger instead of the Motorola-badged version. As soon as possible, we will revert to the part stated here.

    Permenent part changes are notified by a change in the package version number (eg see models S5776Axx to S5776Exx)

    GSM900 70 and 85 transceiver details are for the non-Cosmo version unless specified. GSM 1800 transceivers are all non-Cosmo
    Includes SIM locking, special features, promotions etc
    Colour Codes StarTAC 70 & 75 Packages
    StarTAC 85 and 85 (Cosmo) Packages
    StarTAC 130 Packages

    S4784xxx S4784ABx StarTAC VIP LSQ6 Battery
    AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    S4784BBx StarTAC VIP LSQ6 Battery
    LSQ8 Battery
    Aux LiIon Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S4784CBx StarTAC 100 LSQ6 Battery
    LSQ8 Battery
    Aux LiIon Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S5776xxx S5776Axx StarTAC 90 StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF1321
    LSQ6 Battery
    Aux Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S5776Bxx StarTAC 85 StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF1321
    LSQ6 Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    S5776Cxx StarTAC 85 StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF1321
    LSQ6 Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S5776Dxx StarTAC 85 StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF1321
    LSQ6 Battery
    Travel Charger
    Auxilliary Holster
    UK or Euro adaptor (depending upon country)
    S5776Exx StarTAC 85 StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF2529
    LSQ6 Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster These packages are identical in contents
    S5776Fxx StarTAC 85 StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF2529
    LSQ6 Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S6779xxx S6779Axx StarTAC 70 Grey Motorola StarTAC 70 Transceiver SWF2612
    AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    S6779Bxx StarTAC 70 Grey Motorola StarTAC 70 Transceiver SWF2612
    AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S7002ABB StarTAC 85 with LSQ8 LSQ8 Battery SNN5081,
    Travel Charger SPN4278
    UK and Euro adaptor
    S7129ABK StarTAC 70 TMN SIM-locked, standard contents
    S7258xBE StarTAC 70 Bouygues
    S7269xBB StarTAC 70 Orange
    S7271xBG StarTAC 70 Stet Hellas
    S7407xxx StarTAC 75 Dutch PTT or TIM Standard contents
    S7465xxx StarTAC 130 TIM
    S7466xxx StarTAC 130 OmniTel
    S7467xxx StarTAC 130 AirTel
    S7468xxx StarTAC 130 Telefonica
    S7469xxx StarTAC 130 MTN
    S7470xxx StarTAC 130 France Telecom
    S7471xxx StarTAC 130 TMN
    S7472xxx StarTAC 130 MTC
    S7483ABF StarTAC 85 (Germany/Austria) Motorola LSQ6 Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK and Euro adaptor
    S7665xxx StarTAC 130 (Europe) Motorola
    S7684xxx StarTAC 130 (Australia) Motorola
    S7688xxx StarTAC 85 with LSQ8 Motorola StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF2529
    LSQ8 Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    S7689ABH StarTAC 100 LSQ8 TIM StarTAC 85 Transceiver SWF1321 (with TIM sticker)
    Aux Battery
    LSQ8 Battery times 2
    Travel Charger
    S7746ABQ StarTAC 70 GSM900 Telecel AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    Auxilliary Holster
    UK and Euro adaptor SIM-locked,
    S7852xxx Motorola StarTAC 130 - New Zealand
    S7973ABL StarTAC 70 GSM900 Telefonica AA Battery
    Travel Charger
    Euro Adaptor SIM-locked
    S8027xxx to S8036xxx Motorola StarTAC 130 - AsiaPac
    SE0004xxxxx SE0004Axxxx StarTAC 70 Black, GSM900 Motorola AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    SE0004AB1H1 is badged StarTAC 70 Black, GSM900 Omnitel 'Valore VIP' StarTAC 70 Transceiver (Cosmo)
    AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    SE0004BBxxx StarTAC 70 Cosmo Black, GSM900 Motorola AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    UK or Euro adaptor
    Auxilliary Holster
    SE0058AB1xx StarTAC 70 Black, GSM1800 Motorola AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    Auxilliary Holster
    UK or Euro adaptor
    SE0065AB1G4 StarTAC 70 Black, GSM1800 Cosmote AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    Auxilliary Holster
    Euro adaptor
    SE0068AB1B3 StarTAC 70 Black, GSM1800 Orange AAA Battery
    Travel Charger
    Auxilliary Holster
    UK and Euro adaptor SIM-locked

    GSM StarTAC


    This section deals with the StarTAC range of phones.

    The StarTAC phones are Motorola's premier products in the marketplace. Sharing a similar physical design and range of accessories, they utilise the latest advances in technology to create a phone which is one of the lightest and smallest in the cellular market place, without compromising the product in terms of phone features.

    There are a few models available in the GSM StarTAC range, allowing us to provide a model to suit most consumers:

    The StarTAC 85 (transceiver) was the first StarTAC launched, with a full range of accessories (StarTAC VIP package). The package changed over the first 6-10 months of the product life, resulting in the 100, 90 and 85 packages. It was followed by the grey StarTAC 70, which offered the StarTAC form factor, but in a de-featured (and hence cheaper) model than the 85. The 75 was released in a limited number of countries, offering a middle-of-the-range version of the StarTAC, and shortly after came the black StarTAC 70. In May 95, the StartAC 130 will be launched, offering a smaller design (similar to the older ETACS StarTAC), and some newer features and accessories. There are also two limited edition StarTACS - the StarTAC Lite, and the StarTAC 70 Special Edition (sold with a wood-effect casing, in extremely limited numbers).

    The various StarTAC ranges are all fairly similar: some have vibracall, some don't; some are available in black, some in black or grey; and so on. The notes in this section deal with all models, unless otherwise noted. Those comments within the pages for a particular model obviously only apply to that model.


    Battery Compatibility

    All the StarTAC batteries are interchangeable - the only differences are in the battery housing and texture (eg grey vs black, 85/70/75 texture vs 130 texture, 'StarTAC' label vs 'Motorola' label.

    New StarTACs and chargers will NOT charge non-Motorola batteries - the phone will display 'Invalid Battery' instead.

    Chargers and Charging

    The charging sequence is the same, whether the desktop charger, travel charger, or CLA is being used. The main battery is charged first, so that the user has the lightest battery charged ASAP. Then it will charge the auxilliary battery if fitted. Similarly, the StarTAC will discharge the auxilliary battery first, so that the bulkiest battery is used first, leaving the smallest one still charged.

    Data Cord
    The data cord for the GSM StarTAC is part number SKN4821.

    There is no Motorola headset available for the StarTAC 70/75/85. The reason for this is that these models of StarTAC cannot support the power required for a headset. However, the StarTAC 130 (and probably later versions) will support a headset, and this should be available at launch, or soon afterwards.

    Invalid Battery
    This message appears in the display if the customer attempts to charge a non-Motorola battery on more recent phones (since April/May 1998, or phones that have been repaired/exchanged since then and have the more recent software in them).

    There is a misprint in the Italian StarTAC 70 manual which says that the StarTAC 70 has Vibracall. This is not the case.

    Miscellaneous Glossary

    Closed User Group
    There were a few StarTACs shipped with the closed user group accessible via the menus; this is a result of incorrect programming. Closed User Group is a function that is in development at the moment, and is a network-dependent feature. It is therefore useless at the moment.

    Invalid Battery

    This message appears in the display if the customer attempts to charge a non-Motorola battery on more recent phones (since April/May 1998, or phones that have been repaired/exchanged since then and have the more recent software in them).

    Status Indicator

    At the top of the StarTAC transceiver is an LED which indicates the current status of the StarTAC. It will change colour according the the phones current status (green = in service, red = no service, orange = roaming).

    Models and Packages

    StarTAC 70 Package

    Package Type 70 Standard
    Transceiver Type 70 - SWF
    70 Cosmo - SWF3121AA
    Batteries Main Standard 500 NiMH (Grey or black)
    Chargers SPN4278 Travel
    SYN4656 UK Adaptor
    SYN4655 Euro Adaptor
    Carry Cases None
    Availability All countries supported by the call centre

    StarTAC 75 Package

    Package Type 75
    Transceiver Type 75
    SWF2542 (Italy and Holland)
    Batteries SNN4905 Main Standard 500 NiMH Charcoal
    Chargers SPN4278 Travel
    SYN4656 UK Adaptor
    SYN4655 Euro Adaptor
    Carry Cases None
    Availability Holland, Italy
    Please note that it is also being sold in Belgium, but not through official channels. All 75s sold in Belgium are grey imports.

    StarTAC 85 Package

    Please note:
    The 'standard' StarTAC 85 package has gone through a number of different variations in it's lifetime. For example, at first it shipped with the original 85 transceiver and an LSQ6 battery. Then, the quality of the LSQ6 batteries was not good enough to meet our standards, so we shipped the 85s with LSQ8 batteries. Later, we reverted back to LSQ6 batteries once the standard had improved. In the second quarter of 1998 we re-designed the board inside the 85. Each of these changes resulted in a different package number; the transceiver board change also resulted in change in the transceiver part number. As such., there really is no single 'standard 85 package', and you should refer to the package listing for further details.

    See the relevant bulletins (at the top of the page) for details of the LSQ6 changeover and the redesign of the StarTAC transceiver board.

    Package Type 85, 85R (refresh), or 85 Cosmo
    Transceiver Type S5776xxx has a number of different variations in transceivers and accessories.
    Carry Cases
    Dimensions 100.0cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 23.0 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    109.4cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 27.6 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    Weight 110.0g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    126.5g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    Availability All countries supported by the call centre

    StarTAC 90 Package

    Package Type 90
    Transceiver Type 85
    Batteries SNN4667 Main Standard 500 LiIon Black
    SNN4867 Aux 900 LiIon Black
    Chargers SPN4278 Travel
    SYN4656 UK Adaptor
    SYN4655 Euro Adaptor
    Carry Cases SYN5378 Aux Holster
    Dimensions 100.0cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 23.0 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    109.4cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 27.6 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    140.0cc, 99.9 x 57.3 x 40.7 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)
    149.4cc, 99.9 x 57.3 x 45.3 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)

    Weight 110.0g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    126.5g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    164.5g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)
    181.0g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)

    Availability Originally this was available in all countries supported by the call centre, however, it was rapidly replaced by the 85 package, and is no longer available.

    StarTAC 100 Package (Available in Italy through TIM)

    Package Type 100 - 6407DBH (old pack No is S7689ABH)
    Transceiver Type 85 - SWF2176D
    Batteries SNN5081 Main Extra Capacity 900 mAh LiIon Battery
    SNN5081 Main Extra Capacity 900 mAh LiIon Battery
    SNN4867 Slim Auxiliary 900mAh LiIon battery
    Chargers SPN4539 Desktop
    SPN4278 Travel
    SYN4655 Euro Adaptor
    Carry Cases SYN5378 Aux Holster

    Dimensions 100.0cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 23.0 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    109.4cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 27.6 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    140.0cc, 99.9 x 57.3 x 40.7 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)
    149.4cc, 99.9 x 57.3 x 45.3 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)

    Weight 110.0g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    126.5g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    164.5g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)
    181.0g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)

    Availability Originally this package was available in all countries, but was rapidly replaced by the 90 and 85 packages. However, it is still currently available in Italy

    StarTAC VIP Package

    Package Type VIP
    Transceiver Type 85
    Batteries SNN4667 Main Standard 500 LiIon Black
    SNN4668 Main XCap 900 LiIon Black
    SNN4867 Aux 900 LiIon Black
    Chargers SPN4235 Desktop
    SPN4278 Travel
    SYN4656 UK Adaptor
    SYN4655 Euro Adaptor
    Carry Cases SYN5378 Aux Holster
    SYN4653 Slim Holster

    Dimensions 100.0cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 23.0 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    109.4cc, 98.3 x 57.3 x 27.6 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    140.0cc, 99.9 x 57.3 x 40.7 (with Main Standard 500 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)
    149.4cc, 99.9 x 57.3 x 45.3 (with Main XCap 900 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)

    Weight 110.0g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon battery)
    126.5g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon battery)
    164.5g (with Main Standard 500 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)
    181.0g (with Main XCap 900 LiIon and Aux 900 LiIon batteries)

    Availability Originally, all countries supported by the call centre (now no longer availabl)

    StarTAC Lite Package

    Package Type Lite
    Transceiver Type Lite
    Batteries SNN5128
    SNN5051 Main Standard 500 LiIon Black
    Chargers SPN4278 Travel
    SYN4655 Euro Adaptor
    Carry Cases None

    Part Number S7235Axx
    Availability Originally all countries, but it was a limited production run - no longer available

    StarTAC 110

    Some magazines have mentioned the 110 in passing, mentioning the colour screen. The only comments that should be made about the 110 are as follows: Motorola in the UK will not be launching a StarTAC 110, but will be introducing new models this year (such as the StarTAC 130). Their details and launch dates are still to be announced. Full details will be made in the press nearer to their launch time.

    Der frägt den Anklopfstatus ab. Ist ein Phase 2 Feature und geht nur bei Geräten die das unterstützen. Grüne Taste sollte man dann schon drücken ;)


    Es könnte sein, daß es genau umgekehrt ist als ich vermutete.
    Also, d.h. die V 2.28 ist das 2010, die 5.11 ist das 2010i. Dafür spricht die Antenne mit dem Helix-Down Kopf. AFAIR sind die nämlich nicht untereinander austauschbar.
    Ich hab eins mit 2.28 und das hat auch die "dicke" Antenne. Was mich in dem Fall wundert, daß die i-Variante mit 4MB Flash auskommt, wohingegen das 2010 8MB braucht. Alles etwas seltsam ....

    edit: Der Code *#43# dürfte nur beim "i" funktionieren, da dieses Phase 2 (teilweise) unterstützt.

    Unterschied zwischen 2140/2146: Vermutlich Designvarianten, sowie beim PT-11/Orange 5.1
