hab jetzt mein Token erhalten. Es scheint als müsse man sich direkt an den Support wenden wenn keine SMS kommt.
Hier noch mein Briefwechsel mit dem Support:
Dear Madam or Sir,
I tried to use the integrated "send to blog" feature included in the K800i
>from Sony Ericsson. I read a lot of groups in which people from germany
describe that they did get it working. But in my case, I just don´t
receive an answer(Claim Token).
It would be most kind of you to let me know how I get this started or if
you could send me a claim token directly =)
Phone: +49 xxx xxxxxxxx
Provider: O2 Germany
Sincerely yours
Thanks for writing in. If you could please respond with your SMS alias
(e.g.:, we can further investigate
the difficulties you are experiencing. One way to find your correct alias
is to send an SMS message to your email address and observe the From:
field of the email.
The Blogger Team
Hi Brenna,
Thanks for the quick response =)
Unfortunately I´m unable to send SMS to E-Mail adresses.
I sent a MMS. Perhaps this might be helpful (I hope so...)
thank you for adding my MMS alias but my problem isn´t solved =(
I also got my SMS-Alias but I don´t wish to publish by sending Emails
or MMS. My mobile Phone, the K800i from SE, has an integrated Blog
button. By means of this I should be able to send a picture taken by me directly
to a blog. The first time this happens I should receive an SMS. But this never happend.
Is there any possibility to use this function?
my IMEI is xxxxxxxx-xxxxx-x-xx
my Sms-Alias is
Thanks for following up and I apologize for the delayed response. If you cannot find the reply message from Blogger containing your mobile blog URL and claim token, do a search through your message inbox. You should have received a message from "Blogger," with the content:
To edit your blog, use your computer to go to this page:
Claim token (type of password): [TOKEN]
Blog address:
If you can't find such a message, try accessing you Bookmarks to see if there is an entry titled, "My Blog.” This bookmark should have your mobile blog URL.
If neither of these suggestions do the trick, you can search on the web to try to locate your blog, searching for words or phrases you used in your mobile blog posts.
Please respond with the URL of the blog to which your mobile device is posting.
The Blogger Team
Hi Brenna,
thank you for responding again =)
I found my blog!!!
Of course I´ve checked my inbox and my bookmarks before I asked for support.
But your search trick worked!
Thank you! How do we go on now?
Thanks for your patience. Please use xxxxxx to claim your mobile blog at
The Blogger Team