Beiträge von chris8719

    ist jetzt schon bekannt ob man einen neuen Brodithalter benötigt für das
    N95 8GB ? Da ich schon einen besitze für mein jetziges N95.

    Die Maße sind ja identisch mit dem "alten" N95

    mfg chris


    Wollte heute mein N95 flashen ist aber leider fehlgeschlagen.

    Habs mit Phoenix 2006 über USB gemacht...

    Dann wollte ich es wiederbeleben mit der "dead phone USB flashing" Funktion

    doch er findet es nicht mehr..

    Flashing started
    Creating product data items list
    Product data items list created
    Backup not required
    Flashing phone
    Cmt->Connection opened succesfully
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (1 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (2 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (3 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (4 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (5 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (6 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (7 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (8 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (9 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (10 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (11 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (12 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (13 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (14 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (15 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (16 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (17 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (18 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (19 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (20 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (21 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (22 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (23 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (24 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (25 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (26 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (27 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (28 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (29 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (30 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (31 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (32 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (33 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (34 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (35 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (36 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (37 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (38 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (39 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (40 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (41 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (42 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (43 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (44 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Waiting for USB device (45 of 45). Press phone's power button, please.
    Cmt->Failed to send wait command to bootcode 0x84009427
    All operations completed
    Product flashing failed.

    An der Stelle drücke ich kurz den Powerknopf am Handy doch er findet es trozdem nicht.

    Es ist nur ein dunkler Nokia Schriftzug am Display, sprich ganz tot ist es doch nicht. Doch es lässt sich nicht mehr einschalten.

    Ist die einzige Lösung jetzt der Nokia Service Point ?

    danke mfg chris