Sehen sie bitte mein Eintrag von 14-04-07:
Im an F3C(CDMA version) user from Indonesia..
the package came with headset and ‘rubber’ case..
also my F3c preloaded with 15 ringtones and it display
both time and date when standby..
Ich bin ein F3C (CDMA Version) benützer aus Indonesie.
Das Pakkete kam mit ein Headset und ein 'Rubber' Gehaüse...
Auch ist mein F3c eingerüstet mit 15 Ringtones und es zeigt
sowohl Zeit als Datum in Standby Modus.
Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut....
From another Forum:
Comment by khairuk
on 14 Apr 2007 @ 11:41 am · Quote khairuk (1033) ·
Im an F3C(CDMA version) user from Indonesia..
the package came with headset and ‘rubber’ case..also my F3c preloaded with 15 ringtones and it display both time and date when standby..
i love the design very much, but there is one issue that bother so much..
sms sent from f3c will received in upppercase, does anyone know how to make sms received in lowercase?
plus lack of symbols when available for sms (even there is no ‘dot’ symbol)..i hope motorola can improve this in the future..
Hi Ridwan,
Just curious, what are the colours that they are offering? and how much?
Comment by Ridwan
on 14 Apr 2007 @ 12:45 pm · Quote Ridwan (1034) ·
Hi khairuk,
only two colours available here, black for F3 and silver for F3c
The F3c were sold at higher price than F3..i dont know about F3 price, but F3c sold around US$45-US$50..
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