habe letztens beim H*****-Forum das hier gefunden:
"How to make your own Voice ringtones with midi.
1) Download ATS-MA3-SMAF. This is a new version, just released today that tremendously simplifies the process.
2) Grab your midi file, and your voice file. Edit them as you see fit. I won't go over the editing since that can be covered elsewhere.
3) Open up ATS-MA3-SMAF and click the green folder icon, or alternatively, go to File -> Import from SMF, and open up your selected MIDI file.
4) Now, from here, you might want to test how the midi sounds, so press the play button. If you want to, you can change the instrument used for that channel of midi by clicking the Voice Assign Map Button, or going to Window -> Voice Assign Map. Once there, you right click on the name of the instrument, select paste from list, and then select a new instrument.
5) After you have that up to par, you want to add the voice. To do this, click on the Stream PCM Assign Map button, or Window -> Stream PCM Assign Map.
6) Now, right click on row 1, and select new. From here, open up your wav file. Bear in mind, it should be 8khz, 16bit mono. I'm not sure if you can use any other formats.
7) Leave the Stream PCM ASsign Map up. Now, go to the Score Window and click the Piano Roll button.
At the bottom of the Piano Roll Window, there should be two grayed out bars. From the Stream PCM Assign Map window, select the row with the wav file listed on it, and drag it to channel 1 on the piano roll window.
9) Make sure you sync the voice up with your midi.
10) Now, to add VIB and LED, go to the score window. On the far left, there should be 2 checkboxes. VS stands for vib, and LED for...you guessed it, LED. Check the boxes for the channel you want the vib + led functions to work with.
11) Click the save button. Upload to your phone. Congratulate yourself. "
Hab das Programm selber ausprobiert und es funktioniert perfekt!
Man kann sogar, sogenannte, "only Voice" Klingeltöne mit Vibration erstellen. Das heißt, dass man einfach nur ein Wav-File zum Klingelton macht und trotzdem Vibration hat.
Wer sich mit den technischen Gegebenheiten des E700/715 auseinander setzt wird bemerken, dass das eine kleine Revolution ist.
Postet mal eure Ergebnisse!
Edit: Hier die Download Adresse http://smaf-yamaha.com/tools/downloads.html#atsma3s