Neues Nokia 6230

  • Well, I can inform you that Nokia phones are released at the exact same time in the Netherlands when compared to Germany.
    As you might know, the Dutch KPN Telecom company is owner of your E-Plus, so I-mode phones are released at the exact same time.
    We also have a Vodafone network, so the Vodafone Life! phones are also introduced here; at the sime time as in Germany.
    So as soon as you can buy the 6230 in Germany, it is available in Holland as well.
    Price without contract: E377,- (web-shops)
    Price with contract (2years) E0,- (so for free)
    It has never been the case that a Nokia phone was already available in Germany and not in Holland. Only for Siemens products it might be the case...

    Philip, NL

  • So I guess you cannot confirm the statement that the Dutch people are less "keen" on the new 6230? :)

    Best regards,


  • Definately not, there are also a lot of people here; waiting for the moment the phone is released.
    About the Nokia Store in Amsterdam, the Nokia Stores in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague) are owned by a 'ordinary' retailer (BelCompany). The employees working at the Nokia Stores are therefore working for that company as well; so most of the time they lack the expertise. "Ordinary" NSC's sometimes have more knowledge inhouse than these "official" Nokia stores.
    The 6230 is expected to be launched somewhere at the end of this month (according to most of the dealers). So around the time the CeBit is taking place. This causes the positive effect that we can first see what Nokia's plans are for the coming months, before buying a phone that could be replaced with an 'i' version only months later...
    The only difference with Germany is, is that we do not fill 40 pages of Forum with 'official launch' dates that turn out to be all false ;-)) Its there when its there; nobody can speed up the process. And that's also valid in Germany...

    Philip, NL

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von pkeulemans
    The only difference with Germanany is, is that we do not fill 40 pages of Forum with 'official launch' dates that turn out to be all false ;-)) Its there when its there; nobody can speed up the process. And that also valid in Germany...

    Hehe, so true :)

    Umm, if it didn't come March 15th I'd be quite disappointed, though!

    Best regards,


  • me 2, aber eins steht fest, ich zieh ende märz von dannen und geh für ein paar tage nach finnland... ihr wisst was das heisst oder? ;)

  • Hi,

    langsam aber sicher kommt der Launch immer näher, ein bekannter Endkunden-Händler listet das Gerät für 349,- € ohne Vertrag.


  • Wat 349,- ??? Wo ? das preiswerteste was ich bisher ohne Vetrag gesehn hab war 359,-

  • Soweit ich weiß hab ich den Preis bei gesehen. Dort konnte man aber noch nicht bestellen. Wahrscheinlich erst wenn es wirklich da ist.

  • Ganz toll!
    Hat noch jemand einen Preis von einem Händler, der nicht liefern kann?
    Wäre ja mal was neues...

    Critics are like eunuchs in a harem: they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they are unable to do it themselves.
    -Brendan Behan-

  • Bleib doch mal locker, ich habe nur gesagt, dass das Gerät bald lieferbar sein wird, da der Anbieter mittlerweile schon einen VK hinzugefügt hat. Abgesehen davon ist es dann doch billiger als erwartet.

    Niemand hat gesagt, dass es jetzt schon lieferbar ist, ich wollte nur über die Preisangabe informieren und den näherrückenden Release-Termin.

    Schönen Sonntag noch!

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