DoComo unveil five megapixel cameraphones!

  • Mitsubishi, NEC, Panasonic, Sharp, Sonyericsson.
    Four 1 megapixel handsets, and a 2 megapixel effort from Sharp.


    Tokyo (JCNN) - Six months on from NTT DoCoMo's largely successful counterattack - via the new 2G 505i handsets - on Vodafone's Sha mail photo messaging service, the market-leading carrier has launched its next set of fab-five 505iS phones with working models, mockups, and three models.

    For more pics and spec, click here.

  • SonyEricsson

    Was was was? DoCoMo bringt ein SonyEricsson heraus? Aber wehren sich mit allen vieren dagegen, hier in Europa ein /// als i-mode - Handy zuzulassen! :mad:

    Bunt ist das Dasein und granatenstark!
    (Bill & Ted's verrückte Reise durch die Zeit)

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