ich hab zwar etliche Jahre Schul-Englisch hinter mir, werde aus der mir von ebay geschickten Mail nicht schlau. Und der angegebene Link führt auch ins Leere.
Kann jemand Licht ins Dunkel bringen?
Hier die Mail:
"We regret to inform you that your eBay account could be suspended if you don't resolve your problems. To resolve these problems please login here (http://fanespoiala.web.aplus.net/secure_signin.php) to go straight to the source of your problems. If your problems could not be resolved your account will be suspended for a period of 3-4 days.In this time you have to mail us all your personal informations to check them further. After that it will be again operational.
Per the User Agreement, Section 9, we may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse to provide our services to you if we believe that your actions may cause financial loss or legal liability for you, our users or us. We may also take these actions if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us.
Due to the suspension of this account, please be advised you are prohibited from using eBay in any way. This includes the registering of a new account.
Please note that this suspension does not relieve you of your agreed-upon obligation to pay any fees you may owe to eBay.
Safeharbor Department
eBay, Inc."