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hoffe ich führe hier keine selbstgespräche. werde es etwas straffen, damit eine gewisse info-dichte erhalten bleibt
am 06.04.02
We are constantly working on this distributors/resellers list,..I dont think its "complete" yet,..but I'll try to ask for a copy of it
Expansys.com,..is the only place right now, where You can preorder it, at least according to my knowledge
am 09.04.02
oneeyejack > hehe,..yeah, they'll fit any ear-size.
The "ear-lock" can "bend and shape" to fit anything
Okay maybe not an elephant, hehe.
und weiter:
Another thing is, I'm not at Nextlink every day, so I dont have all information on prices, distributors, shipping and so on. My basic concern are the design-part, and right now the show in Japan.
I'm usually "updated" on different stuff, whenever I go to Nexlink.
But with everyone right now being VERY busy/not in the house, there arent always time/possibilities, for a complete "update".
am 19.04.02
INFO : For people that wants to be/know about reselling/distributors, they can try to write to these email-adresses :
am 24.04.2002
zur namensgebung:
kohe > Thats easy : its bluetooth, therefore "BLUE".
And it was designed and moulded the first time in a tea-spoon
The idea came from tha
am 11.06.2002
zur frage: are u danish...
Yes Nextlink is danish, more precisely from Gentofte/Copenhagen Everyone in the company are danish
And I'm not exactly an employee,..I work freelance,..and I'm their "in- house-designer",..this means that everytime they need a designjob, they call me....;)
am 13.06.02
INVISIO > Hehe,..got the info,..well not the exact number,..but its over 1000 bluespoons preordered by now at Expansys alone
am 16.06.02
Just came home from bluetooth congress/show in Amsterdam.
The Bluespoon was very popular down there.
Sound-quality is really good,..we tried it out in big crowds,..and with a lot of other bluetooth devices surrounding it,...some people couldnt even hear that it was a headset,..actually thought it was a phone, hehe.
am 27.06.02
von "INVISIO" dem most frequently poster/nutzer/frager in dem topic:
A Danish mobile-magazine have now tried the Bluespoon. The standbytime is 400 !!! hours, and the talktime is 6 hours. The sound is very good, and it fits perfect.
(später erwähnt: der test war in der "MOBIL"
selbes datum jedoch wieder von "jh67" aka "Jan":
...I know that I could avoid all these comments, questions and so on from all you people,..but I (and nextlink) didnt want to.
I want people to know what "goes on", and I want to give info.
I think a lot of other companies should do the same,..I'm not gonna mention any names....
am 18.07.02
The productionmodel coming out soon,..will not have exchangeable covers,..I also wrote this a long time ago...
ebenfalls am 18.07.02 zum trage-komfort;)
...Its got a small exchangeable bendable spring/coil,..actually comes with different springs in the package, soft and hard
Besides the spring theres a moulded-piece with the speaker, sitting in the opening of the ear,...its plastic of course,..and you will also get those soft pads that comes with ordinary headset,...some feel comfortable with the plastic piece,..others would like the soft pads,..sooo we do both, hehe
Small soft pads will be in the package too.
It sits very good,...doesnt hurt the ear in any way,..and You almost dont feel it at all. ..