Hat mal wieder jemand was von Bluespoon gehört (Liefertermin?)

  • ...weiter im text...

    hoffe ich führe hier keine selbstgespräche. werde es etwas straffen, damit eine gewisse info-dichte erhalten bleibt ;)

    am 06.04.02
    We are constantly working on this distributors/resellers list,..I dont think its "complete" yet,..but I'll try to ask for a copy of it

    Expansys.com,..is the only place right now, where You can preorder it, at least according to my knowledge

    am 09.04.02
    oneeyejack > hehe,..yeah, they'll fit any ear-size.
    The "ear-lock" can "bend and shape" to fit anything
    Okay maybe not an elephant, hehe.

    und weiter:

    Another thing is, I'm not at Nextlink every day, so I dont have all information on prices, distributors, shipping and so on. My basic concern are the design-part, and right now the show in Japan.

    I'm usually "updated" on different stuff, whenever I go to Nexlink.
    But with everyone right now being VERY busy/not in the house, there arent always time/possibilities, for a complete "update".

    am 19.04.02
    INFO : For people that wants to be/know about reselling/distributors, they can try to write to these email-adresses :

    am 24.04.2002
    zur namensgebung:
    kohe > Thats easy : its bluetooth, therefore "BLUE".

    And it was designed and moulded the first time in a tea-spoon
    The idea came from tha :)

    am 11.06.2002
    zur frage: are u danish...

    Yes Nextlink is danish, more precisely from Gentofte/Copenhagen Everyone in the company are danish

    And I'm not exactly an employee,..I work freelance,..and I'm their "in- house-designer",..this means that everytime they need a designjob, they call me....;)

    am 13.06.02
    INVISIO > Hehe,..got the info,..well not the exact number,..but its over 1000 bluespoons preordered by now at Expansys alone :D

    am 16.06.02
    Just came home from bluetooth congress/show in Amsterdam.

    The Bluespoon was very popular down there.

    Sound-quality is really good,..we tried it out in big crowds,..and with a lot of other bluetooth devices surrounding it,...some people couldnt even hear that it was a headset,..actually thought it was a phone, hehe.

    am 27.06.02
    von "INVISIO" dem most frequently poster/nutzer/frager in dem topic:
    A Danish mobile-magazine have now tried the Bluespoon. The standbytime is 400 !!! hours, and the talktime is 6 hours. The sound is very good, and it fits perfect.
    (später erwähnt: der test war in der "MOBIL"

    selbes datum jedoch wieder von "jh67" aka "Jan":
    ...I know that I could avoid all these comments, questions and so on from all you people,..but I (and nextlink) didnt want to.
    I want people to know what "goes on", and I want to give info.
    I think a lot of other companies should do the same,..I'm not gonna mention any names....

    am 18.07.02
    The productionmodel coming out soon,..will not have exchangeable covers,..I also wrote this a long time ago...

    ebenfalls am 18.07.02 zum trage-komfort;)

    ...Its got a small exchangeable bendable spring/coil,..actually comes with different springs in the package, soft and hard
    Besides the spring theres a moulded-piece with the speaker, sitting in the opening of the ear,...its plastic of course,..and you will also get those soft pads that comes with ordinary headset,...some feel comfortable with the plastic piece,..others would like the soft pads,..sooo we do both, hehe
    Small soft pads will be in the package too.

    It sits very good,...doesnt hurt the ear in any way,..and You almost dont feel it at all. ..

  • ...und hier der abschliessend letzte teil...

    für den ich mal wieder ein 5EUR ticket riskiere :D

    am 26.08.02
    ein regular user namens adam_payne:
    I just got a note back from Nextlink - eg. bluespoon -

    Quote the Dane---
    "As we have not received the most important components on time,
    The new Bluetooth Bluecore 02 chipset, the Bluespoon has been
    Delayed several times.

    The first samples are being shipped to customers on Friday
    And we will gradually deliver more quantities during the
    Coming week´s."

    I am waiting. They have restored my faith.

    einen tag später sagte jan, dass es hiermit offiziell released sei, erhältlich und ausgeliefert ist/wird...

    es kann sich nur noch um stunden handeln...

    am 04.09.2002 schrieb Epedemic
    ...ein weiterer heavyuser des anderen forums und aus kopenhagen/dänemark, wo nextlink ihren sitz haben (ectually 3mins. away...):

    it should hit a Danish store called Pilcon/Teleringen friday.... i was told by nextlink to pick up mine there as they are now the distributer for the bluespoon in Denmark... waiting... waiting...

    das wars vorerst. dder designer jan ist momentan nichtmehr online, weil seine lokale telfon/moden-internetverbindung vor 10 tagen von einem blitz aussser-betrieb gesetzt wurde. ich denke, er wartet evtl., bis die freude uber das, endlich erhaltene gerät, die ständigen fragen/diskussion bzgl. releasedate etwas in den hintergrund treten lässt...

    viel spass beim weiterlesen:
    direkt am letzten post des topics

  • ...erstmalig vom endgerät...

    Bahaal schrieb am 08.09.02
    Anyway, have you noticed that on nextlink.to, under Bluespoon - Support, the Bluespoon Bluetooth Approval certificate (temporary) is posted!
    It says that 29'th of August, the Bluespoon has passed all requirements to be Bluetooth certified. Tested by SEMKO (the Swedish electrical certification institute). The final papers are expected 10'th of September.
    This is 1 day prior to first shipments They didn't sleep after all.
    So it had not received certification long ago, as was speculated earlier in this thread. However, that might also be hard, if the core chip is missing

    In the same support page, instructions for use with Ericsson ("Use as directed in Users Guide") and Nokia Phones has appeared.

    Answer a call waiting, and headset "voice dialing" is not supported by Nokia phones. And they have to re-restablish contact, if the BS is turned off. This sounds simple though (press either button)

    jh67 schrieb am 09.09.02
    Okay,..I just shot some pics at home,..just to give an idea of size and also show cradle, and so on.
    In the package is a full-color instruction-manual book,..and also a mini-cdrom with animated instruction-manual

    3 pics :

    1. Bluespoon, T68i and BS-cradle.

    2. iPaq and Bluespoon.

    3. Bluespoon and a ZIPPO-Lighter.

    This should give a pretty good indication of size

    The blue-part of BS is transparent/see-through.
    Buttons are silk-matt black/grey,..the Bluespoon itself is silver-silk-metallic.



    Danke für die netten Bilder! :)

    jetzt fehlen nur noch die user-test-erfahrungs-berichte

    am 09.09.02 schrieb Jan aka jh67 abenfalls:
    About certification : No need to rush things, hehe.

    The first "Bluespoon-users" are in the UK,..if anybody should wonder.

    And yes, they are being shipped,..and have been since the 30th :)

    Pilcon.dk is the danish distributor.

    More distributors will come along shortly.

    Our partners Mitsumi in Japan will run the production from November.
    They've got bigger capacity.



    und dann gabs da noch ein charmantes geplänkel zweier poster bezüglich der tatsache, dass die headsets einem ionen-bombardment unterzogen werden (müssten), damit die farbgebung dauerhaft haltbar sei... :)
    was das alles durchmachen muss, bevor man sich so ein "stückchen plastik" ins ohr steckt...:cool: :D

    -- to be continued-- (hopefully)
    !!!all credit goes to that man from nextlink.to who designed that freaky piece!!! Thanks Jan!

  • Bluespoon verfügbar!

    Das Bluespoon ist mittlerweile beim Hersteller erhältlich und hier gibt es einen aktuellen Test. Der Preis von 364,63 € inkl. Shipping ist natürlich ganz schön happig. Mein Favorit:

    Hat sonst schon jemand eine Bestellung gewagt?


    Der Blaue Klaus

  • Gute Neuigkeiten: Ich habe gerade aus einem Nextlink Mitarbeiter herausgekitzelt dass im März nächsten Jahres eine Low-Cost Version des Bluespoon Headsets released wird (manufactured by Mitsumi). Es wird in jede Richtung 4mm grösser als das aktuelle Bluespoon Modell. Ausserdem wird es auswechselbare Cover haben! :top:


    "Think globally, act locally."
    "Ein Mann ein Wort, eine Frau ein Wörterbuch" -Boris Becker
    "Ein kluger Mann widerspricht keiner Frau. Er wartet bis Sie es selbst tut."
    "There's no replacement for displacement"

  • Hi Dag,

    ich weiss ja nicht welche Version des Bluespoon du bestellt hast, aber falls du die Panther-Version bestellt, hast: heute haben Sie die ersten versendet - ich warte dann gespannt auf deinen Testbericht :)


    "Think globally, act locally."
    "Ein Mann ein Wort, eine Frau ein Wörterbuch" -Boris Becker
    "Ein kluger Mann widerspricht keiner Frau. Er wartet bis Sie es selbst tut."
    "There's no replacement for displacement"

  • Umbuchen ist angesagt

    ..so will es jedenfalls die Mail, die ich heute erhalten habe:

    Soweit ich erfahren konnte, ist Nextlink aufgrund der Nachfrage mit dem Vertrieb wohl etwas überfordert. Trotzdem ein etwas eigenartiges Verfahren. Eine Nachfrage anderer Interessenten, die diese Info bisher nicht erhalten haben, kann sicher nicht schaden.


    Der Blaue Klaus

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