Help! Where to buy Siemens ST55 from Germany???

  • Help me!

    I'm looking for a webshop selling the new Siemens ST55. Can you help me?


    Sorry if I write in English but unfortunately I don't speak German... :(

  • Take a look into the sub-board "Achtung Werbung" which is the local advertising board. There you can use the search function ("Suchen") or simply browse through one or two pages. You will find at least two webshops selling the ST55.

    Ist das eine von den Kirchen, wo man so kleine Cracker kriegt? Ich habe Hunger!

  • I've found two webshops. Here
    and Here
    Both Shops don't accept payment with credit cards:(
    The second one ships in all countrys and the Siemens ST55 seems to be on stock.

    Hope it was helpful.

    Oh mein Gott sie haben Kenny getötet. Diese Schweine!
    - I survived Flight 815 -

Jetzt mitmachen!

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