Neue SE-Modelle: T105 und Z200

  • Arima Communication, already manufacturing the T100 handset for Sony Ericsson, is expected to ship two new handset models for the vendor in the coming months.

    According to sources, Arima will begin shipping the T105 handset around the end of this month or early August. The T105, based on the T100 design, will have some keyboard and handset color changes. Monthly shipments are expected to be 300,000 to 500,000 units.

    It will also begin shipments of a new GSM/GPRS clamshell phone, the Z200, in September, with monthly shipments expected to reach 400,000 to 500,000 units by year-end. Sony Ericsson previously announced the launch of a 3G clamshell handset, the Z1010, but it is unknown whom the manufacturer will be or when it will begin sales of that device.

    Arima also ships handsets for a number of Chinese handset vendors and contract manufactures the N8 and N530i i-mode phone for NEC. Monthly shipments to NEC are about 300,000 units. It is expected to land a new ODM order from NEC in the second half of the year.

    Rumor has it that Arima has teamed up with South Korea-based Bellwave on the development of a CDMA2000 handset, which is scheduled to be launched in September.

    Arima stated that it would not be hard for it to ship 10 million handsets this year, nearly triple the 3.5 million units it shipped last year. It shipped 5.3 million handsets during the first six months of this year, and expects to ship 1.5 million handsets each month in the second half.


  • Habe ein Bild zum Z200 gefunden. Hier

    Ist Geschmackssache.

    Oh mein Gott sie haben Kenny getötet. Diese Schweine!
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  • :p geschmackssache!

    wie wahr.....oh gott!:eek: :eek:

    So long, Portugieser
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    chin. Philosoph (551 - 479 v. Chr.)"

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    Original geschrieben von Twitch
    Das ist das ultimative ich bin ein Teenie das Teil ist cool muss haben um cool zu sein Handy !

    Genauso she ich das auch !!!:D

    Aber trotzdem finde ich das Gerät gar nicht mal so schlecht vom Design...
    Besoners das Design des Außerndisplays sieht ganz schick aus...mal was neues!!
    Wie so ein kleines Bullauge:D

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  • Sicher, daß das kein Feuerzeug im Handydesign ist? :D
    Sieht ein bißchen aus, wie diese Spielzeug-Handy-Dummies, die 3 Klingeltöne haben und die Kids unter 10 Jahren schon im Sandkasten prahlen können... :D

  • Ich finds sehr schick (auch wenn ich laut Alter ja noch ein Teenie bin :D

    Ein Schritt, in die Richtung, der Klapp-Armada aus dem fernen Osten Paroli zu bieten...

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