Die Seite threegmobile.net die viele von uns wohl gerne mal besuchen, muss aufgrund seiner Berühmtheit und infolge dessen der Serverauslastung, seine Internationale Seite erstmal einstellen.
Hier die Meldung der Webseite:
Letter to all Readers
It is sad to notice that ThreeGMobile.net International Edition has to temporarily close now. I need to say thanks for to all audiences who read our articles, reviews, photos gallery.... and even send us some comments. The main reason we have to stop temporarily because of the server-overloading problem. Our server company warned us that the site bas been exceeding the monthly data transfer rate for three months. It means that we are so popular! Thanks to all readers! On the other hand, they will close down the server or we need to upgrade the server and pay extra high cost. Up to now, Webmaster Paul Matt and Hsu Nuo are finding it hard to get enough funding to pay for server for high volume of data traffic.
After serious consideration, we decide to close down International Edition. However, it does not mean that ThreeGMobile.net will disappear in the World Wide Web. After we prepare a new and affordable server, our International edition will come back!
Now, ThreeGMobile.net will continue to provide latest handset reviews using some free web space and our Chinese Edition is still in operation. The details of International Edition mini site will be announced within a week.
Once again, we express our thanks to all supports! And hope all audiences keep coming back to see our mini site and the date of return.
Any Comment? Please free feel to write us.
Founder / Webmaster : Paul Matt
Email: info@threegmobile.net
MSN Messenger : paulmatt_0008
Webmaster?Hsu Nuo
Email: info_chinese@threegmobile.net
Hoffen wir mal das Paul das wieder hinbekommt. Solange heisst es Bilder anschauen, ausser Ihr könnt chineschisch...