5100: TCP/IP bald möglich...

  • ...ganz frisch aus dem Nokia Developer Network Newsletter:

    Color XHTML and HTTP over TCP/IP Development Begins with the Nokia 5100 SDK

    Mobile browsing has taken another evolutionary step with the Nokia 5100
    device (Americas version), the first Nokia phone to use a TCP/IP
    connection for color XHTML browsing and HTTP communication.
    Supporting these new capabilities, the Nokia 5100 SDK is an all-in-one
    solution for developing enticing applications that utilize TCP/IP
    communication and the rich presentation abilities of this Nokia phone.

    The Nokia 5100 SDK emulates the browser, Multimedia Messaging
    Service (MMS) client, and Java(TM) 2 Platform, Micro Edition
    (J2ME[TM] platform) MIDP client of the phone, as well as the network
    communication. The SDK can be configured to use any WAP gateway
    or connect directly to remote or local content.

    The Nokia 5100 SDK is also the first Nokia phone SDK to feature
    Diagnostics, a unique set of views into the phone software that provide
    unprecedented insight into the behavior of the phone as it runs various
    applications. From client/server transactions to KVM heap usage, there
    is no other source for this critical information.

    The Nokia 5100 SDK can be used as a plug-in by developers using Nokia
    Mobile Internet Toolkit 4.0, Nokia Developer's Suite 1.0 for MMS, or
    Adobe GoLive 6.1 or later for MMS and browser content. The SDK also can
    be used with Borland's JBuilder, Sun ONE Studio, and Nokia Developer's
    Suite for J2ME(TM) for MIDlet development.

    Download the Nokia 5100 SDK http://www.uptilt.com/ct.html?…n,alk,dfaw,mawt,7at2,c1hw

    Download the Installation Guide http://www.uptilt.com/ct.html?…n,alk,53nu,i6pn,7at2,c1hw

    Download the User's Guide http://www.uptilt.com/ct.html?…n,alk,dkbg,lzcl,7at2,c1hw

    Ich frage mich: Warum gerade fürs 5100 und warum nur für die amerikanische Version von diesem?
    Und nicht für die anderen series 40 und v.a. series 60?

    Naja, aber immerhin ein Anfang ist es! ;)

    Aktuell: Apple iPhone 3G 16GB weiß, Samsung i8510 innov8 16GB und Nokia E71

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