Hilfen für T610 (in english please)

  • Re: Re: Ok, i see...


    Original geschrieben von SuicideBob
    Ou, i didn´t know that. But now i got answer from fonmarkt, and they sayied that it´s without branding and with o2 software. So i guess this would be possible to update in finland. I mean, i updated my T68 in finland, it was without branding and software was this ...eu_2. But there was not also any menu staff, settings etc. from vodafone,t-mobile or o2. And o2 model of t610 has starting screen and gprs settings on it. Is it possible to change those settings?

    Sure you can change theese settings - it is just a service by O2 - so the user don`t has to do this.
    Shouldn`t be a problem to change the settings into thoose ones, used in your area ! In many cases you can also create more than one settings for going online - and than you can choose witch one you wanna use actually - its usefull if you have two cards belonging to different operators for example.

    About the o2 starting screen i can`t tell you if you can change this, coz i`m not sure.

    But in fact does it really matter ? Coz if you can update the software normally, does it still matter which animation is shown on startup?;)



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  • Re: Re: Re: Ok, i see...


    Hmm, now they wrote me again from fonmarkt. They told me that it´s not possible to update "original" software for T610, so it means that i cannot also put finnish language on it. In o2 store they told me that they can order me "original" T610 without any software changes or "branding". But the price, 439 euro... Auts! I can get it in same price from finland... But still have to do research, i mean of course i can handle it in german or english, but then incase my phone is the "hissing" version, they don´t even fix it in finland. Well, germany is my second home, so i can do it also in here.

    Anyway, thanks for your answers :)

    Kind regards


  • Re: Re: Re: Re: Ok, i see...

    What do you exactly mean with "hissing" version. U mean if the phone rushs ???

    In my opinion this is problem , could not be fixed by software update. This is a problem belonging to the hardware, in fact it means you have to change the receiving unit for example - so can`t be fixed by the latest firmware.



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  • You should open another thread in the S/E forum reasking your question regarding a software update...

    Since there is a link to a company selling mobiles in this thread it has been moved to the advertising section...

    What I#m trying to say is that the software pros here probably don not look here...so there is a good chance someone can help you...

    BTW any S/E I ever bought had been able to be updated to any ''original'' S/E software at S/E service points...(even my P800 bach than it was from the developer kit had been able to be updated to the German software...).

    I'm not sure about the vodafone live branded ones...but since the o2 ones basially only have a startup and shutdown animation it shouldnt be a problem...

    You can also ask the user voicestream here, he also sells mobiles he is based in Munich but also has a shop in Las Vegas, so he should be able to get you an ''international'' version and he speeks english ;)


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  • Hey Bob
    I just overflew your thread here.
    You can buy a O2 T610 (as well as the T-Mobile version too)
    The Software (as the T-Mobile version) is EU2 and can be updated in any other EU Language set.(apart from EU6/7 wich is Vodafone only)
    Regarding the Vodafone model, you are right, you can only flash it with EU6 and EU7 wich are Vodafone only, and these EU6/7 packs dont (and I doubt) will ever have finnish language support.
    So if you dont want to spend 400+ Euros for a real "no branding" t610 go and buy the O2 model.
    If you really want to buy a non branded T610 contact me, I can get them too at our shop.
    Best regards

  • John :

    O2 Models all were called back coz of its "hissing" mistake, so officially no o2 branded t 610 will be sold anymore.

    Like O2 told me, this is with ALL 610 o2 sold until now and all they still have.


    P.S.: hätte ich das jetzt auch auf deutsch schrieben können?

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  • Hi John,

    Thanks for your answer, that was actually the thing that i wanted to know, but in fonmarkt.de they sayied that o2 model is not possible to update for original T610 software??.

    I don´t wanna pay 110 euro more of phone that doens´t have any difference between o2 t610=original t610 after i update it in finland...

    So, but now the problem is this what handyblach already told, the "hissing" and this that o2 took phones back.

    Do you have that version on sale what doesn´t hiss? It´s so funny, in UK the T610 from o2, they are only retailer who are selling those "new" versions, without hissing. Why not in here also :/

    Kind regards


  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von SuicideBob
    but in fonmarkt.de they sayied that o2 model is not possible to update for original T610 software??.

    This statement from fonmarkt.de is obviously nonsense... ;)


    I don´t wanna pay 110 euro more of phone that doens´t have any difference between o2 t610=original t610 after i update it in finland...

    Well, even though you can freely update an o2 branded T610 with the retail (or E2) firmware, you will still have the two o2 logos after an update. Since these two logos are the only branding (and they simply don't need to be used) I would say this is absolutely no problem. So, as soon as o2 begins to sell their next bunch of T610 without the hissing problem, you can go with this one. Assuming that o2 won't change anything regarding their branding policy with the next bunch of devices.

    Ist das eine von den Kirchen, wo man so kleine Cracker kriegt? Ich habe Hunger!

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von BigBlue007
    This statement from fonmarkt.de is obviously nonsense... ;)

    Well, even though you can freely update an o2 branded T610 with the retail (or E2) firmware, you will still have the two o2 logos after an update. Since these two logos are the only branding (and they simply don't need to be used) I would say this is absolutely no problem. So, as soon as o2 begins to sell their next bunch of T610 without the hissing problem, you can go with this one. Assuming that o2 won't change anything regarding their branding policy with the next bunch of devices.

    Good, so now i just wait till o2 get´s new devices.
    Or could i also order it from fonmarkt, and swap it at local o2 dealer? I quess they should do it, because it´s their "branded" phone...??

    Edit : Any rumors when o2 get´s new devices?

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von SuicideBob
    Or could i also order it from fonmarkt, and swap it at local o2 dealer? I quess they should do it, because it´s their "branded" phone...??

    No, that will most likely not work. And - to be honest - I personally don't like this kind of behaviour. Ordering at a cheap internet store and then walk to an o2 shop to let them service your device - that's not appropriate. The o2 shops will only service the devices they have sold. If you purchase via fonmarkt, fonmarkt is also responsible for service and repair. That means, if they send you a device with the hissing noise bug, they are responsible to either fix or swap the device.

    Ist das eine von den Kirchen, wo man so kleine Cracker kriegt? Ich habe Hunger!

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