Hilfen für T610 (in english please)

  • Hi,

    I have questions about T610, but my german is so poor (trying to improve it all time, just live in germany as 1 month) so i hope you understand my sitsuation.

    I´m searching T610 without branding, anyone know where it would be cheapest in germany?

    I was also reading that it wouldn´t matter that if i would buy it with t-mobile or o2 "branded", because those models hasn´t changed imei-rom, is this true? Can i update original T610 software for those two model?

    And also, what is the difference between software number in original T610 or t-mobile/o2 "branded"?

    Hope somebody can help me

    Kind regards


  • *seufz*

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  • as far as I know the T610 from fonmarkt has no branding on the cover but the settings for GPRS and the background image and perhaps other settings too are initially set to the settings of the network operator O2

    for more details you should call fonmarkt or just send an email and ask them

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von Mercury
    as far as I know the T610 from fonmarkt has no branding on the cover but the settings for GPRS and the background image and perhaps other settings too are initially set to the settings of the network operator O2

    for more details you should call fonmarkt or just send an email and ask them

    I will call them

    Thanks for your advice!

    edit : by the way, anyone knows is the o2 model of t610 with locked firmware? Like vodafone model has.

  • Hi,

    what do you exactly mean with locked firmware ? Without havin chance to update ?

    O2 branded 610s should also offer an update to the latest FWs.


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  • Hi,

    Because incase i would like to update phone to my own language (finnish), i cannot have "locked firmware or software". My friend bought this vodafone version of t610, went back to finland and wanted to update it to finnish, but it was not possible because vodafone has "locked" the phone, only possible to update in vodafone stores. And we don´t have vodafone in finland.

    So that´s why i´m searching t610 without "branding". I heard that t-mobile and o2 versions are ... eu_2 and vodafone is ...eu_7. So maybe this eu_2 is standard for germany, france..., and possible to update? I also heard that there is no way to get this vodafone model to updated as "original" T610 software, not even in germany.

    In finland version is ...eu_4. I have bought couple other phones from germany also, and also updated those in finland, this is the first phone model what has problems with this.

  • Ok, i see...

    well , the main problem ist that 610 is also an offizial vodafone phone here in germany, there for it`s labeled and branded. Updating this should be possible - but it won`t contain menu in finnish, coz it is mainly used in germany.

    Perhaps it is possible to update an O2 branded 610 in finland...but i am not sure, but should be possible by SE itself.

    By the way, if you see a 610 without contract on the internet, this one could also be a labeled one, sold without contract, so ask before you by.

    Good luck:top:

    greetz from "handyblach*

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  • Re: Ok, i see...

    Ou, i didn´t know that. But now i got answer from fonmarkt, and they sayied that it´s without branding and with o2 software. So i guess this would be possible to update in finland. I mean, i updated my T68 in finland, it was without branding and software was this ...eu_2. But there was not also any menu staff, settings etc. from vodafone,t-mobile or o2. And o2 model of t610 has starting screen and gprs settings on it. Is it possible to change those settings?

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