Eine Britische Reporterin von RT kündigt nach fünf Jahren, weil sie nun endgültig genug hat von den häufigen Desinformationen des Senders:
“... Russia Today, which has been criticised as a propaganda mouthpiece for the Russian government, suggested Ukraine was to blame for the crash, while most media organisations have said it was shot down by a suspected Russian-made missile.
"It was the most shockingly obvious misinformation and it got to the point where I couldn’t defend it any more,” Firth told the Guardian. ..."
Und russlands innoffizielle Truppe verjagt OSZE-Beobachter mit einem Warnschuss:
"6.00pm BST
A gun shot ended the standoff between OSCE observers and rebel gunmen, Harriet Salem (@HarrietSalem) reports from the crash scene in Grabovo.
The commander of the rebel unit, a man called Ilya who is known as Commander Glum, expressed annoyance as the OSCE team stood its ground, keen to access the scenes of carnage.
"OSCE came here without negotiating," he shouted, as they prepared to leave. "Now there are none of our bosses here who can be in charge of making a decision, so go away, and when you negotiate this come back.
"We didn’t agree to meet the OSCE here, go away," he added, firing a warning shot.
The five-strong convoy departed rapidly."