Hallo Leute,
also langsam glaube ich es echt, heute erhilet ich folgende Email von der Firma Netobject (die, die eine Websoftware herstellen die u.a. bei 1 und 1 sozusagen verschenkt wird). Leider kann ich kein Englisch oder besser kaum, deshalb meine bitte wer kann mir so ungefähr den Text übersetzten. Ich denk es geht um eine ang. illegal inst. Software die mit einer falschen Seriennummer manipuliert wurde, soviel konnt ich übersetzten. Aber irgendwie kommt mir das auch spanisch vor.. Was soll ich tun oder besser was bedeutetn solche Mails. also eines vorweg, ich habe keine illegale Software auf dem Rechner nur wie gesagt Netobjects 5.0 die von 1und1 mit richtiger und offizieller Seriennummer und o-CD.
Hier der Text:
Dear NetObjects Fusion User: Your Security Number:
We are writing to make you aware that you are using an unauthorized and illegal copy of NetObjects Fusion software, and to demand that you immediately cease and desist your infringing activity.
Our records indicate that you recently downloaded a trial version of NetObjects Fusion and attempted to acquire a full license to use the software, without paying the license fee, by submitting an unauthorized and illegal serial number. Please be advised that the serial number that you submitted is not valid, and you do not have a license to use NetObjects Fusion. Your continued unlicensed use of the software constitutes copyright infringement, in violation of 17 USC sec. 501. Moreover, your attempt to bypass the security mechanisms protecting the software by using an unauthorized serial number constitutes a violation of the anticircumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 USC sec. 1201, as well as fraud.
You face significant liability as a result of your illegal activity: the Copyright Act provides for penalties of up to $30,000 per copyright violation, enhanced to up to $150,000 for willful violations, plus costs and attorneys' fees. Website Pros is committed to protecting the value of its copyrights and other intellectual property, and it pursues this type of software piracy aggressively.
We appreciate your interest in the NetObjects Fusion software and are willing to resolve this matter without initiating litigation provided that you purchase a full and valid license to the software by visiting our corporate security Web site at http://security.netobjects.com by May 15, 2003. After that time, Website Pros may pursue any and all rights and remedies that may be available to it, including initiating litigation without further notice.
We hope that you will take this opportunity to acquire a valid license and continue to enjoy the benefits of NetObjects Fusion.
Website Pros Corporate Security