Einige offizielle Statements:
We will also put in place fibre backhaul. If you take European cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, our goal there is to have more than 95% penetration of fibre to those sites. If we look today and take the four biggest countries that we have in Europe that figure is 69%. Now, I would not rule out microwave, because in that sub 10-millisecond latency that we want to have in the coming 5G networks, microwave hop has less than 0.3 milliseconds, so I wouldn’t rule out at all using microwave in tomorrow’s 5G networks.
3G -> 4G:
Guy Peddy
Thanks. Just a quick follow up: you’re planning to roll off 3G at the end of 2021 because you’re going to basically lose the, potentially lose the spectrum, so I’m just wanting to make sure that was the primary reason why you’re rolling off that technology.
And my secondary point, your networks in the UK and in Germany are behind where you were originally planning. Is that just down to timing or is there something to do with the fact that you’re partnering with O2 in the UK, which is becoming a little bit of a – it’s making it difficult for you to roll out networks. Is there anything else that we should be aware of? Thank you.
Johan Wibergh
So first of all, the spectrum we have on 3G, we use two frequencies of 2100MHz and 900MHz, and what we have started doing in some markets is to take – you take it in portions. So if you have 20MHz of 2100MHz, you take it in blocks of five, so you do a gradual switch of the capacity from 3G to 4G, and we’re going to start by doing – we started with the 2100MHz. When that’s done, we have in most markets also 10MHz of 900MHz, and that’s one we save to the last. That’s where you do voice calls and we have some data traffic, and eventually you take 5MHz of that for 4G and then finally take that final piece away, so that’s the strategy. The build out, as you say, in UK, Germany, was behind our regional plans. We have had good progress anyway in the last time. In the UK, it’s dependent on a multitude of factors, and we have had, roughly had the same speed both in the Telefonica part as in the Vodafone part.