ZitatOriginal geschrieben von Nokiahandyfan
Hui, da war einer scheinbar beim Abschuss der mit Sarin behafteten Geschosse dabei?
Die bisher bekannten Fakten sprechen gegen Deine Dummstellerei. Du klammerst Dich an deine eigene ideologisch geprägten Vorurteile und im Voraus festgelegte Auslegung, für die Du nichts an Belegen vorweisen kannst. Unerschütterlich im Glauben und Linientreu, ein ideales Partei- oder Kirchen-Mitglied.
Als Richter wärst Du eine Katastrophe, als Gelehrter oder Wissenschaftler ebenfalls.
Der Angriff wurde professionell ausgeführt.
"... Sellström also said the rockets used were professionally made. His report said they were fired from the north-west, and western officials said the details of the trajectories confirmed that they came from an area held by government troops.
The Sellström report noted the kind of rockets used and pointed out that they had been fired from the north-west in the early hours when the air was moving downwards, maximising casualties.
"Chemical weapons use in such meteorological conditions maximises their potential impact as the heavy gas can stay close to the ground and penetrate into lower levels of buildings and constructions where many people were seeking shelter," it said.
Peter Bouckaert, a weapons specialist at Human Rights Watch, said: "The rocket systems identified by the UN as used in the attack – truck-launched 330mm rockets with around 50 to 60 litres of sarin, as well as 140mm Soviet-produced rockets carrying a smaller sarin-filled warhead – are both known to be in the arsenal of the Syrian armed forces. They have never been seen in rebel hands."..."