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If you're a Prepay customer
You pay daily as you use the service, and you only pay for the days you use. Our standard rate is 99c for a 50MB daily usage allowance, and €1 per MB thereafter (0.1c per KB).
If I pay per day’s use, how is a day defined?
A day lasts from 00:00 GMT/BST to 23:59:59 GMT/BST – or midnight to midnight. So if you use Mobile Internet at 11am on any given day and then again at 1am the next morning, you’ll have used the service on two separate days.
What about roaming and Mobile Internet?
Vodafone Mobile Internet is the same price when roaming abroad as at home. The service will be accessible from any country where we have a 3G or GPRS roaming agreement.
Wer mit 50MB am Tag auskommt bekommt ein günstiges Angebot