So IP4 ist nun da.
Viel Glück noch allen anderen.
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So IP4 ist nun da.
Viel Glück noch allen anderen.
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal geschrieben von vollhupe
Kurzes Update von mir:
2 Ip bestellt
Ankunft BLX: 05.08. 8:55 Uhr
1. Scan : 06.08. 1:41 Uhr
2. Scan : 06.08. 4:49 Uhr
bezahlt am 06.08 um 7:33 Uhr
Jetzt ist warten angesagt!
Bis jetzt bin ich zufrieden! Allen anderen die noch
auf den Scan warten drück ich die Daumen!
So schaut es bei mir auch aus! Beide Telefone in der Nacht gescannt, heut früh bezahlt, mal schauen wann die Sendung bei BLX rausgeht!
Hat jemand von euch die Borderlinx Adresse oder FAX Nummer ?
Ich renn seit einer Woche meinen IPHONE hinterhet. Lt. BL wurden 2 x IPHONE verschickt, aber nur ein IPHONE ist angekommen.
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von Paramounti
"it is possible that it will take 3-4 weeks until we´ll find your 2nd iphone"
Vermisst du auch ein IPHONE?
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von StrgAltEntf
Vermisst du auch ein IPHONE?
ja aber schon bei blx den scan
Mein IPhone, welches am 14 Juli bei Borderlinx ankam wurde noch immer nicht gescannt ! Da mir das in diesem Forum nicht von allen geglaubt wurde (m.bensel) hier die heutige Chat Konversation mit Borderlinx.
Amy: Hello Sven
Sven Hellerich: Hi, the tracking number: XXXXXXX. The shipment was delivered to the UK hub on 14th of July and is still not scanned. I assume you have lost it. So I request you to repay me the item value! This was already promised for beginning f this week!
Amy: Please wait while I check that for you.
Sven Hellerich: As I´m not willing to wait any longer until this issue is checked I want you to repay that money asap.
Sven Hellerich: Can you find out more details about the status?
Amy: Have you received any ticket id for your issue?
Sven Hellerich: No. I didn´t
Sven Hellerich: For what would that be necessary?
Sven Hellerich: From whom should I have received that?
info: Your Issue ID for this chat is LTKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Sven Hellerich: I had a lot of chats during the last 3 weeks. Would it help you to solve the issue when I would give you these issue IDs?
Sven Hellerich: Issue ID from 2nd of August: LTKXXXXXXXXX. In this chat Vivian told me that the issue will be escalated once more to the UK hub and if the packet is not found by end of the week Borderlinx will refund the item value of the packet.
Sven Hellerich: So I hope the money will be refund now?!?!
Amy: I apologize but we need to get this declared by our hub first then only we can proceed for this.
Sven Hellerich: But everybody is telling me each second day to wait another two days.
Sven Hellerich: Cold you directly contact the UK team now, pleas? I will wait in the chat!
Sven Hellerich: Or put me in CC when you write an email to the UK team.
Sven Hellerich: And I also think that somebody has taken the packet.
Amy: Please be assured that we are following this issue with the hub team and waiting for an update on this.
Amy: Your issue is still pending with the concerned authorities and they are
Amy: following up on this.
Sven Hellerich: what is the ticket ID?
Sven Hellerich: Is it needed for refund?
Sven Hellerich: What is so special on MY issue? Why does it take so long?
Amy: As I said if we get it declared by our hub that your iPhone is lost at our hub then only we can refund you the amount.
Sven Hellerich: Can you write me an email with this information and also when it is scheduled to be repayd?!
Amy: Our concerned authorities will contact you via Email on this.
Sven Hellerich: WHEN?
Amy: They will contact you in next couple of days.
Sven Hellerich: Please, I cannot accept that. I was in contact with You directly approximately three weeks ago. So you know exactly that I´m waiting now VERY long.
Sven Hellerich: Why can you not write the mail NOW?
Sven Hellerich: Or call the UK guys NOW!
Sven Hellerich: I can wait in the chat.
Sven Hellerich: But there is nothing happening during four weeks.
Sven Hellerich: Would you accept that in my position?
Sven Hellerich: WHAT IS THE TICKET ID??????????????????
Sven Hellerich: WHat can I do with this ID?
Sven Hellerich: Write an email to the hub team?
Amy: I already did
Sven Hellerich: Sorry for bothering you, really. But it is so annoying.
Sven Hellerich: Did they ever right something back?
Sven Hellerich: sorry, *write back*
Sven Hellerich: If so, what was their statement?
Amy: I apologize but due to unknown reasons we didn't get any updates on this.
Sven Hellerich: Just for understanding, you never received any feedback from the UK?
Amy: We do receive feedback from our UK hub but unfortunately we didn't received any one for you.
Sven Hellerich: I´m confused. I have claimed that issue approximately 10 times in the chat and once by phone. And every time somebody "escalated" the issue to the uK. And they have NEVER answered?
Sven Hellerich: Could that really be possible?
Amy: Please wait while I transfer this chat to my supervisor
Sven Hellerich: Thanks
info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Jason'.
info: Welcome to Borderlinx. This is 'Jason'. How may I help you today?
info: Your Issue ID for this chat is LTKXXXXXXXX
Jason: Hello Sven
Jason: Please wait while i check your chat transcript
Sven Hellerich: Hello Jason.
Jason: Sven, please wait while I call our hub to check the status of this case.
Sven Hellerich: OK
Jason: Sven, Unfortunately no one is answering my call at this moment, I will call then in next one hour and as soon as an update will be available, I will get in touch with you via email.
Sven Hellerich: This evening?
Jason: Correct
Jason: Is there anything else I may assist you with today?
Sven Hellerich: OK. I hope you understand the problem I have.
Jason: I really do and I am very shocked that this case is going to be one month old so I will make sure to get it resolved within this week
Sven Hellerich: Hopefully. I wait for your email.
Jason: Thank you
Jason: Thank you for visiting Borderlinx. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional queries. We request that you take a moment to complete a short survey that will pop up on your screen when you close this chat window by clicking on the 'close' button above. Thank you.
Jason: Goodbye
Sven Hellerich: Bye
Mir platzt langsam echt der Kragen.
fast exakt der gleiche chat wie bei mir
sag mal bitte bescheid ob du antwort bekommt hast
so..ich hoffe Ihr könnt mal helfen..
hab grad auch ein Iphone bestellt
da steht nun Estimated Delivery: 31 Aug, 2010
ist das realistisch? Ist eine Adresse in UK und ich bin bis 6.9. dort..also wär schön, wenn ihr mir Auskunft geben könntet, wie realistisch das ist
promo-code + 31.Aug shipping
der promo-code mit den 10% rabatt wird vor dem bezahlen in das dafür vorgegebene feld eingetragen - bitte darauf achten, dass ihr auf recalculate klickt.
dieser ist immer der gleiche und gilt, wie schon geschrieben bis zum 6.9.
31.aug shipping -> ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass dieses datum eingehalten wird- meist jedoch sogar schon bis zu einer woche vorher da ist - kannst also bedenkenlos rangehn
kann mir einer sagen, ob die packete auch samstags ausgeliefert werden in deutschland???
So, heute war dann auch bei mir unerwartet iDay... Versandmail gabs nicht, dafür ein Paket.... nach ingesamt 17 Tagen(!!!!!!!!!!) sinnlosem rumgammeln im Hub von BLX....
gute nacht
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