das handy sieht ja nicht schlecht aus nur leider verstehe ich nciht warum das blau entfert wurde. dies hat doch gerade einen guten kontrast geboten.
Samsung SGH-D700
da gibts glaube ich nichts zu verstehen, design ist halt geschmackssache. ich z.b. fand das blaue plastik mit der sinnlosen pyramidenapplikation sah einfach nur billig aus.
Genau meine Meinung wenn es so auf den Markt kommt wie oben auf den Fotos, dann wird es mehr anhänger finden, da es nicht all zu gewagt ist.
Was ich nicht verstehen warums den Blösdsinn mit dem Drehbaren Display machen, nur wegen selbstporträts ein Ausendisplay wär sehr viel besser
gewesen ansonsten find ichs echt gut! -
ICh hoffe ja immer noch das dieser Strich auf der Deckeloberseite voll mit Status-LED's ist. Fehlendes Außendisplay ist wirklich das einzige was ich an diesem Handy bemängele (soweit man das bis jetzt beurteilen kann);)
R.I.P. SGH-D700
Laut Eldar kommt das D700 leider nicht mehr auf den markt:( :mad:
Es wird ein ähnliches Gerät anfangs 2004 vorgestellt.
Dann müssen wir wohl wieder ein Jahr warten bis es erscheint :mad:ZitatCompany Samsung abolished several models
Company Samsung abolished the production of immediately several models, in particular, these are so expected by many smartfon D700, and also raskladushka Of P500 (previously known as P410), the apparatus Of P700. The cancellation of plans with respect to the issue of the already announced products and repeatedly shown to public is simple, company prepares by them replacement, also, in the nearest time. Thus, analog D700 it will be demonstrated to public in the first quarter of 2004, dispatches it is planned to begin from the second quarter. To what extent it will be possible to carry out given plans unknown, since company often changes them at the last moment. In any event, the company does not make special support to the advance of smartfonov, after being concentrated first of all on the most mass segments of market. Model D700 is curious and interesting also fact that in it company Samsung for the first time attempted by pillar to develop its own apparatus platform.
To the new year on the market will appear the model Of E400, which was shown still in summer, also they will appear new apparatuses from the X- rule (X100, X600). The model Of E700 has already been sold to the utmost extent, for the operators is accessible the version of this model Of E715 equipped with flash (it E710 in the usual user version).
According to the communications from the unofficial sources in company Orange several days ago company Samsung demonstrated a new product number in 2004. Unfortunately, in first half of year there is no raskladushka with support bluetooth, this product will appear not earlier than the third quarter. Apparently the model Of X410 will be also abolished, generally apparatuses with this index be not too happy. At the given moment is decided the fate of model D410 (slider), it also can be substituted with more progressive version.
In 2004 the company planned about 16 products for the European market, although it will represented be on the order of 23 telephones and smartfonov. Real role for the company will become to play the budgetary solutions (model Of C100 it will become the same having very rapidly descended to the mark in 100 Euro-), will appear a number of the new models in the average segment, which appear attractively. The development of a product number in the region of the recessed solutions is most interesting. Thus finally will appear in the European version the apparatus Of T700 intended for the female audience, the continuation of the rule Of A400, T500. Its basic minus in the absence of external screen; therefore is prepared another version with its presence? let us risk to assume that the market name there will be T900.
The most interesting product from the company in 2004 will be raskladushka, supplied with camera with the very high resolution, large storage capacity and with extremely not bad screen. In Europe this product will begin to be supplied in the beginning of June, delivery will be achieved in the address of such operators as T- Mobile, Vodafone. Then this product will be represented also in the independent networks.
In the recessed segments the company will represent the analog of model Nokia 6800, model with screen revolving in all planes, several apparatuses with the slider and finally apparatus with the mechanism of disclosure analogous Motorola v70. will be presented and the play prefix from the company, based on the components from Samsung, its specifications appear casting a spell. For your obedient servant it was possible to play a little with the prototype of this device, if it appears within the planned periods and on the planned price, then on the spot for company Nokia 4 it would begin to think about the acceleration of output N-Gage II.
In this small note it was not set as a goal to envelop entire model number from Samsung in 2004, but to only illuminate basic developmental trends. For the completely ob"yasnimym reasons we did not publish the photograph of new models, and request not to request to send them on the mail. All information from this note can be discovered in the open sources, in particular, net forums. It suffices to be set as a goal and to analyze them. More that, the images of new products also can be discovered in them, if only you know, the code names of data of products, and to obtain them is possible everything there. The successes in the searches, it is interesting, as rapidly someone of the readers will find the images of models mentioned here?! Indeed this is of its kind game, prompt we gave out, the matter after you.
Laut Eldar. Ich hoffe, dass sich das von seitens Samsung nicht bestätigt.
Das wäre der absolute Witz. Damit macht sich Samsung sicherlich keine Freunde... Für mich wäre das eine willkommene Alternative zu den anderen Herstellern gewesen, aber so?
Ich weiß nicht...
Ausgerechnet das einzige Smartphone im Edelsegment verabschiedet sich angeblich.
Ich hoffe das stimmt nciht.
Na super.
Das für mich wohl einzige interessante Series 60 Phone soll nicht mehr kommen?!
und ich wollte Samsung damit die letzte Chance geben. Was soll man sagen?!
Na supi, das Handy auf das ich am meisten Spekuliert habe...
Muß ich mich eventuell doch mal mit Siemens mehr anfreundenUnd alles was ähnlich sein soll kommt erst wieder frühstens 2005 wie ich samsung kenne.
der verärgerte Randel
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