The Nokia X6 has launched the new X Series of devices from Nokia in style. The Nokia X6 is set to offer up to 35 hours of music on the go, as this 3.2-inch touchscreen device brings the very best that Nokia has together in one knock-out handset, Check the Nokia X6 Tech spec and images for yourself… The Nokia X6 is about to change the way we view music phones for ever. This stunning handset comes with 32GB of internal memory and 3.2-inch touchscreen giving you instant access to all your music and media. The screen is a beauty with a true widescreen, 16:9 aspect ratio display that has been optimised for photos, video and web browsing. What’s more, this device will only be shipped with Comes With Music – the music download subscription service. The Nokia X6 will ship later this year and has an expected launch price of around 450 Euros.
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