United Mobile will sich anscheinend von der liechtensteinischen +423-Plattform samt Kundenbestand trennen.
Die Verkaufsabsicht und die kürzliche Einführung eines Verbindungsentgeltes für ankommende Anrufe deuten stark auf eine finanzielle Schieflage bei UM hin.
Hier die eMail, die umgeht:
ZitatAlles anzeigenvon: Sven Donhuysen [CEO and President of United Mobile]
Betreff: take-over of the MVNO in Liechtenstein
Dear Mr xxxxxxxxx,
The major shareholders of United Mobile decided to offer a take-over of the MVNO in Liechtenstein (60.000 active clients generating approximately 5 million € revenue, 1.6 million € Ebit annually).
The +423 MVNO platform is a stand-alone business unit and easily transferrable. We are pleased to provide you a brief summary of the proposed transaction (enclosed). Should you require any additional information to complete your offer, please feel free to contact us any time.
Please arrange for offers to be received by email no later than close of business on Thursday, January 29, to sven.donhuysen@united-mobile.com. Furthermore, we would like to inform you on the further details of timing of our sales process and provide the necessary instructions for submitting an offer. Following are the detailed instructions. To allow a transparent selection process, it is mandatory that your offer covers the following points:
1. Proposed price for assets offered
2. A description of all conditions on which your offer is based and the key assumptions subject to due diligence that may affect your offer
3. Name and contact details of your contact person (SPOC), who will be available for discussion of open questions which we may have regarding the offer
Based on the offer (subject to legal and technical due diligence) received, the Management and Shareholders will, at their sole discretion, select one or several bidders with whom it enters into contractual negotiations. It is currently planned that the contractual signing shall be completed no later than 16th of February 2009. There will be no exclusivity provided to any party at this stage of the process. We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Sven Donhuysen
CEO & President
United Mobile AG
Obstgartenstr 27
CH-8302 Kloten, Zurich Airport
Phone +41 43 204 28 28
Fax +41 43 204 28 99
United Mobile +423 663 111 111
United Mobile +44 7937 111 111
United Mobile - Low rates for calls and internet abroad