Nokia N85 neue Firmware 11.047

  • Changelog:

    * Characters in memory card not-present prompt note are not localized
    * Headset - volume-adjustment is not working properly
    * Video disturb happened, once some other event happened during play fone TV on full screen
    * Bluetooth name cannot be defined in camera application.
    * “Video call” is shown in Options when highlighting a contact in Space UI.
    * Not detecting always wall charger -> Not charging
    * 2G cannot connect to GPRS service in some cities in China
    * Non stop Music Player “Library update”
    * FMTX: The audio is routed to DUT speaker after receiving a message when FM transmitter is transmitting audio.
    * Predefined contacts does not support Chinese characters
    * APN setting for Vodafone Mobile connect “Promt Password is set to Yes”
    * Audio >>> downlink quality
    * Some of the S60 key presses are not registered by device
    * Network level icon is not shown during VT call
    * ITU is not responding when MO is done where slide is closed and opened when call is established
    * Long press of Media keys prev/next not working correctly for local videos
    * DTMF tones sent from prepaid line to *700 (or *500) are not received by NW
    * OFR_opo-up at boot about positionning
    * Orange enterprises APN is used by default in the email Wizard
    * Pod cast: messed up characters
    * All key presses are not registered by device
    * GSM/WCDMA - OTC - NW lost after handover with open data connection
    * general instability, improved
    * Headset - volume-adjustment is not working properly
    * Battery KPI: Battery stand by measurement is too high
    * CSD - Data transmission breaks on HSCSD calls
    * [DRM Free][ID_MUP_FreeFTMD_102] Mp4AacM4A file cannot be played by the device (34047)
    * Some KPI - Results are out of range.
    * FTP: Speed download to low
    * [TPRO] Wap Live browsing : Access Time to the Home page is too long (34970)
    * 3G Network lost forever after cell reselection from 3G > 2G with an active PDP context
    * VARIANT - Operator RSK (live! icon) appears too small and distorted when in landscape in mode (VCP)

    Nokia Consumer Since 1992
    Current Phone: N85
    Firmware 11.047

  • Wie schon gesagt update geht seit heute für Euro 1 geräte über NSU. Über fota geht es nicht.
    Ob euro 2 und 3 auch schon gehen keine ahnung

    0560497 United Kingdom Copper
    0574325 Germany CV Copper
    0555817 Euro1

  • Changelog Update:

    New features and applications:
    - DVB-H accessory support (SU-33W)
    - Nokia software checker application
    - Support forNokia MU-44 16GB microSD memory card

    - Bad sound quality using BT headsets (CAP 97705)
    - Cannot display the video under edit menu (CAP 99698)
    - Keypad no response after make call with slide close (CAP 99169)
    - Problems with finding contacts starting by "CH" (CAP 97026)
    - Music player keep searching new songs when activated (CAP 97082)
    - Message type changed to multimedia message (CAP 99880)
    - Video recording quality improvement
    - Imaging quality improvements, better colours saturation and flash
    - Defaul setting change: Closing slide doesn’t disconnect call
    - Short slide key illumination applied for Java application compatibility
    - "Video call" is shown in Options when highlighting a contact in Space UI.
    - Not detecting always wall charger -> Not charging
    - 2G cannot connect to GPRS service in some cities in China
    - Non stop Music Player "Library update"
    - FMTX: The audio is routed to DUT speaker after receiving a message when FM
    transmitter is transmitting audio.
    - Predefined contacts does not support Chinese characters
    - APN setting for Vodafone Mobile connect "Promt Password is set to Yes"
    - Audio >> downlink quality
    - Some of the S60 key presses are not registered by device
    - Google Maps application not working with "Vodafone live!" access point
    - Network level icon is not shown during VT call
    - ITU is not responding when MO is done where slide is closed and opened when call
    is established
    - Long press of Media keys prev/next not working correctly for local videos
    - DTMF tones sent from prepaid line to *600 (or *400) are not received by NW
    - OFR_pop-up at boot about positioning
    - Orange enterprises APN is used by default in the email Wizard
    - Pod cast: messed up characters
    - All key presses are not registered by device
    - E-mail address limiting to max 30 characters
    - SMS converting to MMS if more than 20 recipients

    Gruss Backlash

    Operative Hektik ist besser als Geistige Stille...

  • Was soll das für ein Changelog sein?
    Definitv nicht vom N85

    Nokia Consumer Since 1992
    Current Phone: N85
    Firmware 11.047

  • a3tommy

    Laut Informationen von SymbianFreak war der erste Log noch nicht der offizielle, demnach gibt es wohl nun einen finalen! :top:

    Gruss backlash

    Operative Hektik ist besser als Geistige Stille...

  • Zitat

    E-mail address limiting to max 30 characters

    Das wäre aber eine ganz blöde Einschränkung wenn die emailadresse nur noch 30 Zeichen haben darf. Finde ich etwas wenig wenn mein einen etwas längeren Namen hat.

    Ansonsten muss man mal schauen, was Nokia für neue Bugs eingebaut hat.


    |Werbefläche zu vermieten !! |

  • Möchte mal was anmerken zum Update. Ich persönlich finds echt mal was Positives! Ich habe wie es sich gehört meine ganzen Daten vorher gesichert gehabt und war sehr positiv überrascht, dass dieses mal nach dem Update noch alle Daten vorhanden waren (!)

    Telefonbuch, Kalender, sogar "große Programme" wie ALK Copilot oder Navigon sind nach dem Update noch komplett im Menü gewesen und funktionierten ohne eine Neuinstallation.

    Ich hatte mich schon auf ne Stunde mühsames Programm für Programm installieren eingestellt :-)




    P.S. NICHT darauf verlassen - nicht dass jemand nun die Daten nicht sichert und es ausgerechnet bei ihm dann nicht funktioniert ^^

  • Ja kann ich bestätigen.
    Nach dem Update war alles noch installiert.
    Nokia lernt von Jahr zu Jahr dazu :p

    Nokia Consumer Since 1992
    Current Phone: N85
    Firmware 11.047

  • Ist wahrscheinlich die User Data Preservation die es seit dem N82 gibt...

    Wenn Null besonders groß ist, ist es fast so groß wie ein bisschen Eins.

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