was will man eigentlich noch großartig in handys verbauen?
wenn man bedenkt das die ersten gsm handys nicht mal sms konnten....
Countdown auf europe.nokia.com - Was folgt?
- Jimmythebob
- Geschlossen
ich tippe jetzt mal auf ein *wunschdenkmodus an* Nachfolger des E90 der aber zusätzlich über einen Touchscreen verfügt aber ein 8-MP Kamera hat und deswegen in die N-Serie fällt *wunschdenkmodus aus*.
Scheiß auf 8 MP... wird nur schlechter!
Wenn die was an der Cam verbessern wollen dann bitte schneller, besserer Sensor, weniger Shutter-Verzögerung, optischer Zoom oder so, aber KEIN MEGAPIXELWAHN!!!
Genau so wäre ich froh wenn sie auf die große Innovation sch... würden und dafür ein wertiges, solides und serienreifes Gerät präsentieren würden!
Was ich persönlich noch vermisse: Xenon Blitz UND Video Leuchte/Taschenlampe!!!
Einbauen könnte man noch DVB-T, Solarzellen, Beamer, Drucker, Kredit-/EC-Karte, einen Teleporter...
Original geschrieben von TheHedgehog
Genau so wäre ich froh wenn sie auf die große Innovation sch... würden und dafür ein wertiges, solides und serienreifes Gerät präsentieren würden!Jetzt fängst du aber mit Wunschdenken an
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von TheHedgehog
Einbauen könnte man noch DVB-T, Solarzellen, Beamer, Drucker, Kredit-/EC-Karte, einen Teleporter...Das passiert dann schon eher
e72 soll ja auch mal kommen
Der verräterische Link auf den Nokia-Webseiten
(NSeries in 2009 >) -
Und Nü :confused:
Discover More. Toll oda?
N97 kommt!
Nokia N97: Making the Internet Personal
The Nokia N97, unveiled today, is designed for Internet-savvy people.
With integrated A-GPS sensors and an electronic compass, the device
intuitively understands where it is. The Nokia N97 makes it easy to
update social networks automatically with real-time information,
giving people the ability to update their 'status' and share their
location as well as related pictures or videos with approved friends.
Nokia's flagship Nseries device packs a large 3.5" touch display,
personalized homescreen and a full QWERTY keyboard, providing an
'always open' window to social networking sites and Internet
Maps on Ovi: More than Just a Mapping Tool
Maps on Ovi is the first free service that allows people to pre-plan
their journey at home on their PC and synchronize with their mobile,
giving access to pre-planned routes and favorite destinations while
on the move. Over the coming months, Nokia Maps will become a
destination for people to save and organize places, pre-plan trips
and post-edit them. People can share their location and all their
personally and socially meaningful content with friends, inviting
them to join in activities.
Mail on Ovi and Nokia Messaging: Mobile Email for the Masses
Some 75% of the world's population has not yet used email. Many of
these people will have their first email experience will be on a
mobile phone, not on a PC. Mail on Ovi, together with Nokia Messaging
which mobilizes consumer email and instant messaging on Nokia
devices, brings mobile email to everyone and not just for a
privileged few. With Mail on Ovi, users will be able to create and
access email online portal as well as on their mobile device. Nokia
Messaging, on the other hand, will give consumers access to their
existing email and instant messaging accounts from Yahoo! Mail® and
Yahoo! Messenger®, Windows Live Hotmail, Gmail and Google Talk, and
AOL Mail as well as email solutions from thousands of ISPs around the
world on the majority of Nokia devices. Nokia has shipped about 200
million devices that immediately enable the launch of its messaging
solutions, including Mail on Ovi, Nokia Messaging and corporate
mobile email (Microsoft Exchange Activesync and Lotus Traveler).
Open for Innovation
A key element in making Nokia's vision reality is openness.
Increasing openness makes it easier for third parties to develop
services and applications for Nokia's solutions. For example, the
planned Symbian Foundation will engage industry leaders in developing
an open source platform for mobile computers and services, built on
Symbian OS, already the most open and mature platform for mobile
innovation. There are currently 3.5 million developers working on the
S60 platform on Symbian OS, and more than 10,000 applications are
available to date.
Nokia is also creating new opportunities for third parties to develop
innovative widgets and other Internet service applications for Nokia
devices, like the social networking widgets seen on the new Nokia
N97's personalized homescreen. Over the course of the next year,
Nokia will debut new and interesting opportunities to work together
to create a highly personalized Internet experience on Nokia devices.
For more information and materials on Nokia World 2008 event and
announcements, please visit:
About Nokia
Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transformation and
growth of the converging Internet and communications industries. We
make a wide range of mobile devices with services and software that
enable people to experience music, navigation, video, television,
imaging, games, business mobility and more. Developing and growing
our offering of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise
solutions and software, is a key area of focus. We also provide
equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through
Nokia Siemens Networks.
Media Enquiries:
Tel. +358 7180 34900
Email: press.services@nokia.com
http://www.nokia.com -
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