Bin auf diese Seite gestoßen, habe mich mit dem Thema aber noch nicht sehr lange beschäftigt.
Ist glaube ich eine art händler, der (original!) marken (z.b. bathing ape, abercrombie&fitch und sehr viele mehr) direkt aus Japan in der ganzen Welt verkauft bzw die Links auf seiner Website hat über die man dann bei Ebay Japan(?) einkaufen kann.
Wer mit Paypal bezahlt, zahlt 12% Steuern so wie ichs verstanden habe.
Hat jmd erfahrungen mit solchen Bestelldiensten? Illegal ist das ja meines Wissens nicht, aber ne gute Möglichkeit an Marken zu kommen, die man in Deutschland nur schhwer bekommt.
das steht über ihn in seiner myspace seite
This is the official myspace page of Spe's Shoppersvillage Japan....A Japan Bid/Buy Service Company.
Spe's Shoppersvillage Japan is a leading website that provides the opportunity to buyers from all across the globe, for auctioning various high technology-based Japanese products, which are rare to find outside the market of Japan.
We are the leading auction bidding websites, which provides great service to people, to buy Japanese items at bidding prices. It is the top most auction website, offering items as diverse as from electronic goods cosmetic items. This portal provides opportunity to customers to bid on Japanese items, which will be accessible at reasonable prices. In fact, the portal proves to be a safer platform to get authentic Japanese items with ease.
Spe's Shoppersvillage Japan offers its customers to become a member and try their luck in winning various Japanese items that are not easily available. It allows its registered users( to place the bid on some unique items of Japan and it sells the products to the highest bidder. REGISTER TO BID BY YOURSELF:
Spe's Shoppersvillage Japan is a registered Proxy Bid/Buy service company in Japan that helps individuals and/or coporate bodies from overseas to purchase item(s) directly from Japan auction sites like (Yahoo Japan, bidders,online mall(rakuten) and other stores and shops. A try today will convince you the effectiveness and efficiency of our services. 100% satisfaction is guaranteed. today for more information about our services. SITE
hier hat es noch eine auflistung anderer händler die waren für den kunden bestellen und dann an ihn schicken…&comments_per_page=20#new