ok, try your luck with Ring Mobilfunk. I think you have read this thread from the beginning, so you can imagine, what will expect you.
Bundesnetzagentur could help, but they need month to do so...
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ok, try your luck with Ring Mobilfunk. I think you have read this thread from the beginning, so you can imagine, what will expect you.
Bundesnetzagentur could help, but they need month to do so...
Of course you could try again, again and just one time again
A week ago I already sent a mail to Ring asking them to move me from Ring Minutel to Ring Seven (because I phone once a while to Eastern Europe). No answer from Ring.
3 days ago I sent the same mail again. You could guess the reaction (namely no one).
Yesterday I sent it for last time. I do not like to be kidded, so I will cancel Ring and will go to another brand.
My advice: don't waste your time, money and nerves trying to get in dialogue with Ring.
If you want to call cheap to Finland search for other solutions.
I've already mentioned www.localphone.com. From there you could call to Finland-Mobile for 8,3 ct/min. Plus your charges to the German-landline-number (in your case 7,5 ct/min). So, for 16 ct/min you could reach your affiliated. Unlike other callthrough services you do not have to pay to the German local number if the called person does not answer. Very good clarity! Posted link is my ref-link, but you could instead simply type the URL directly into your browser (thanks for using my ref ;))
There are several another callthrough services where you could spare even more money for the leg Germany-Finland, but all they request at first a ring-in into their German local number before forwarding to Finland. Just search for Betamax or Dellmont.
If you have so much balance, why don't you use your old Minutel Plus sim card? My old sim card works and I pay as usual according to the old Minutel Plus tariff.
Thank you again all for the help and the very useful information.
hrgajek: Yes, lol, I read most of the thread and it seems that Ring/Minutel isn't the most reliable company. Perhaps this has changed now that they've moved to a different operator.
Vesko: Thanks for the info, I'm already using callthrough with NoNoh (a Betamax clone) where I pay 0 cents for landlines and 6 cents/min for Finnish mobiles (plus the 7.5c/min to call their German access number from my Ring phone). NoNoh doesn't charge a connection fee or cal-by-call fee either.
What makes me very frustrated though is that I got the Minutel Plus only 6 months ago, and now they increased their prices up to 500%, while they could very easily move me/us to their other two alternative tariffs (Ring Seven or Global).
qwqw: That's a very nice idea if you got two phones. I read here that with the old SIM you can only make but not receive calls and that the old SIM will be functioning until 31/3(?). Unfortunately I brought only my smartphone from Finland so perhaps I can borrow an old phone for my old SIM from a colleague of mine.
If you frequently need to make calls, particularly longer ones, to Finnish landlines, get a German prepaid or postpaid tariff with unlimited calling to German landline numbers for a flat monthly fee. You can then use callthrough to reach your destination. According to http://www.teltarif.de/db/res-…nwahlnummer&ziel=Finnland callcheap.de offers free callthrough to Finnish landlines.
I would be cautious to better avoid the O2 and E-Plus Networks because they tend to block callthrough numbers. Telekom to the best of my knowledge does not make any restrictions in that respect.
An overview of prepaid-based offers which include unlimited calls for a flat monthly fee can be found here:
It's probably outdated though and it lacks for example Congstar (which I think could be a good choice for that purpose).
If you are not into callthrough that much, you might want to check out http://www.teltarif.de/mobilfunk/tarifrechner.html to find suggestions for suitable tariffs for directly calling abroad.
meine immer noch aktive "alte" (SIM) kann weder ins Ausland telefonieren, noch für Internet genutzt werden :mad:
Jedenfalls bekomme ich weder mit internet.ring.de noch mit gprs.gtcom.de eine Verbindung
Oder sitzt der Fehler vor dem PC?
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von Seufz
geht bei mir noch
Frage mich, wieso Solomo nicht ring übernahm wie seinerzeit Telesim? GTCom hostet doch nur ring als Grosskunden. Dieser Callax-Schrott sollte sich lieber ganz vom Mobilfunkmarkt verabschieden.
Danke rmol!
Hat mir Mut gemacht alles manuell neu zu konfigurieren und siehe da - die automatische Konfiguration der Geräte hat wohl eine Macke bei Ring. Manuell eingerichtet geht es jedenfalls bei dem einen Gerät.
Bin mal auf den 1.4. gespannt, ob dann auf die Minute die alten ausgehen und ob Ring die alten wieder zurückfordert . Da gab es doch so eine Klausel, oder verwechsle ich das?
Ich glaub zwar nicht dran, aber wer weiß ...
ZitatAlles anzeigenOriginal geschrieben von geos
If you frequently need to make calls, particularly longer ones, to Finnish landlines, get a German prepaid or postpaid tariff with unlimited calling to German landline numbers for a flat monthly fee. You can then use callthrough to reach your destination. According to http://www.teltarif.de/db/res-…nwahlnummer&ziel=Finnland callcheap.de offers free callthrough to Finnish landlines.
I would be cautious to better avoid the O2 and E-Plus Networks because they tend to block callthrough numbers. Telekom to the best of my knowledge does not make any restrictions in that respect.
An overview of prepaid-based offers which include unlimited calls for a flat monthly fee can be found here:
It's probably outdated though and it lacks for example Congstar (which I think could be a good choice for that purpose).
If you are not into callthrough that much, you might want to check out http://www.teltarif.de/mobilfunk/tarifrechner.html to find suggestions for suitable tariffs for directly calling abroad.
Thanks a lot for the information and the useful links geos.
I've already had NoNoh VoIP (a Betamax clone) and now I'll used from my smartphone through their mobile app. Calls to Finnish landlines are free and to mobiles is 6c/min. They have 7 callthrough German numbers and none of them is blocked from E-plus/Ring.
Even if Ring blocks the NoNoh access numbers they offer an alternative option for calling, through callback (they call it Phone-to-Phone) which is equally cheap. (http://www.nonoh.net/en/phone-to-phone.html)
Again, thank you all for the invaluable help and information.
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