Nokia Firmwareversionen (fast) alle hier im Posting!

  • Geändert von John am 14.12.2010 um 21:31 :rolleyes:

    [Small]Apple iPhone 5 @ Telekom Complete Mobil L mit Handy DTAG | Music Streaming | Speed Option LTE
    Apple iPad mini/ Nokia Lumia 820 @ Telekom MultiSIM
    Speedport LTE @ Telekom MultiSIM
    Samsung Galaxy Note II LTE @ Telekom BFMIC
    Speedport W723V @ Call & Surf Basic IP 5.1

  • V025.007 für Nokia verfügbar

    -= RS77 is signing off! =-
    - S60inside - Smartphone News, Infos, Tests -

  • Für das Nokia 5800 (V60.0.003) und 5530 (V40.0.003) sind Updates verfügbar


    - Symbian Anna Browser v7.3.1.33

    - Nokia Maps v3.06

    - Supports for IDNs and other languages like Arabic and Chinese

    - Improvements on overall web browsing experience and phone’s performance

  • N9 - 20.2011.40-4_PR_001

    Handyhistorie: Philips Az@lis, Nokia 5110, Nokia 6210, Nokia 7250i, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3660, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6630, Samsung D600, Nokia N70, Nokia N80, Nokia N95 8Gb, Nokia N97, Nokia N9 64GB, iPhone 5 32GB, iPhone 6 64GB

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