Nokia Firmwareversionen (fast) alle hier im Posting!

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    Original geschrieben von John
    So alles mal wieder aktuell!
    CU John

    und die fürs E65 ist auch nicht aktuelle

  • Hab nun das E65 auch aktualisiert. Jetzt startet das Installationsprogramm immer wenn ich das Telefon starte. Es installiert irgendwas... Dauert immer 10Minuten lang... Was kann das sein und wie bekommt man das weg?

  • Habs nun herrausgefunden warum das installationsprogramm immer startet. Es wollte die Programme auf der Speicherkarte immer neu installen, was aber nicht klappte... nach der Aktualisierung waren alle daten weg. Also so wie bei einer Neuinstallation. Daten der Speicherkarte sind erhalten geblieben.

    ich war so froh das ich mein Handy eingerichtet hatte... :(

  • habe das n95 mit einem o2 vertrag. ich sitze immernoch auf der v 11.0.026 fest. hätte auch gern die neuste aber pc-suit sagt es gibt für mein handy kein neueres update. wieso denn eigentlich?

  • schau mal mittels deinem Produkt Code (unter dem Akku) nach ob es eine neue Software gibt. Auf der Nokiahomepage also! Ich habe auch nur dort finden können, das es ein Update für mein Handy gab. SOnst hat es mir nirgends eins angezeigt gehabt.

    Ich bin echt froh meinem E65 dieses Update gegeben zu haben. Der Bildschirmschoner funktioniert nun dauerhaft, Programme die erst nicht liefen, laufen plötzlich (irRemote Beta) und mir kommt der Bootvorgang auch kürzer vor.

    Aber ich vergaß meinem Handy ein Backup zu machen, drum war danach alles weg. Meine installierten Programme die auf der Speicherkarte waren, musste ich fast alle neu installieren, da die dann kaputt waren, irgendwie.

  • Firmwareänderungen Nokia E65 zwischen 1.0633.18.01 und 2.0633.65.01 (SB-022/29.10.07)

    New supported features
    * VoIP Release 2.1
    * Secure VoIP support
    * Emergency call extensions: location information and WLAN support
    * WCDMA VoIP improvements: when terminal is in WCDMA coverage with VoIP capability, VoIP readiness indicator is visible
    * Intellisync Call Connect for Cisco v1.1 support
    * Intellisync Call Connect for Alcatel v2.0 support
    * Usability improvements:
    * Possibility added for end user to call from Phonebook Internet telephony field (number based address) to CS B party
    * Improved handling of #,* and other characters in username part, e.g. if the user wants to use temporary CLIP or CLIR by dialing *31# or 31#
    * Long caller address will be shown in two lines
    * Support for pause (p) and wait (w) characters added
    * Phone is more stable during VoIP call when walking out of WLAN coverage and returning to coverage area
    * Start media port default value and default end media value changed.
    * SIP Registration improvements in bad WLAN coverage
    * The user can use hidden WLAN networks from EasyVoIP without making the access point first somewhere else
    * If user selects a hidden WLAN network (from options or from a plug- in which requires an IAP), user is asked for:
    1. Network name
    2. Select secure mode: "Open network, WEP, WPA/WPA2"
    3. "WEP key for WLAN" (if WEP chosen), or "Pre-shared key for WLAN", in case of WPA/WPA2
    * Domain address handling improved:
    * Domain part of VoIP address is not stored / visible in call logs if terminal parameter for this functionality is active. Removing of domain address part in MT case will be done only, if user part contains only numbers (i.e. E.164) or if URI parameter user=phone exists. Provisioning parameter has been added to define the logic.
    * Call back (i.e. recall) from call logs is possible to either VoIP or CS number based address. For MO VoIP calls terminal will add automatically domain address, which is a default domain address
    for that specific VoIP profile.

    Easy VoIP improvements
    * Possibility to connect shared mode networks using Easy VoIP

    General VoIP functionality improvements
    * Call can be cancelled if the user calls to wrong address
    * Call transfer improvements
    * DTMF handling improvements
    * Call Hold handling improvements
    * OMA DM: VoIP codec management improvements
    * OMA CP improvements
    * Improvements in NAT traversal
    * VoIP calls using Contact formatted numbers improved
    * IOP improvements

    * Number of APs is increased on the WLAN scan list
    * vBlank page was opened on first time usage of WLAN access point.
    * Wlan scan API change from read only to read-writable
    * Number of WLAN scan/roam retry attempts increased
    * WLAN scan stability improved
    * Changes to WLAN channel usage
    * Functionality improved in situation when switching APN from 3G to WIFI during streaming
    * Usage of WPA with Netgear wireless router improved
    * WLAN connection reliability improvement
    * WLAN Wizard functionality improvements

    Device management
    * Added interoperability with Pointsec application
    * DM: Workspace buffer size increased for SyncML messages
    * Device lock activated after boot
    * Device Management performance and stability improvements
    * Security improvements

    The following new requirements have been included
    * OMA DRM v1.0 (Full support)
    * Priority change for Intellisync active idle plugin
    * Folder shortcut enabler
    * Blackberry disconnect icon update
    * New Theme variations added

    * Improvement to echo cancellation
    * Improved interoperability with BMW Bluetooth carkit

    * Email connection closing/disconnecting improved
    * DRM content handling in Attachments improved
    * When all PDP contexts are used in MMS, queries are shown
    * SMSC is re-read from SIM after switch on if IMSI has been changed
    * Email roaming in offline mode modified
    * 4 digit port numbering enabled
    * SMS flowing functionality improved
    * SMS Time Stamp functionality improved
    * Improvements to Instant messaging functionality

    Calendar / PIM
    * Improvement of recurring meeting updates
    * On Domino, non-standard recurrences show up correctly on the device

    Office tools
    * Enhancement of Message reader to match message sender name in the phonebook

    Backup & restore
    * Backup/restore functionality of BB client idle plugin updated

    * Standby (idle) functionality improvement

    * Improved functionality of Team Suite (When the user wants to drop one participant during conference call, UI remains in-call view and not going to Team Suite)
    * Alcatel Voice Client ‘Options’ in In-Call menu changed to beginning of In-Call menu.
    * Busy tone improvement when call is cancelled or number is busy
    * DTMF performance improved
    * Supplementary Service Activation denied when FDN Activated
    * Corrections to call diverting functionality
    * Improvement to Enhanced Line 2 functionality

    Web browser
    * General WEB Browser stability and interoperability improvements
    * Browser memory handling improved
    * Saving of downloaded images corrected

    Wap browser
    * General WAP Browser stability and interoperability improvements
    * Page rendering corrections (e.g. in business mobile page)
    * Color codecs improvements
    * A message popup informs user about the failure of packet switched connection failure
    * Improvements to handle Java-midled installation from GoTo address field or from SMS
    * SL push message handling updated
    * Sending of WAP HTTP header information to web servers corrected

    * Improved 3G cell reselection
    * Socket stability improvement
    * When Exit is pressed from browser data connection is also terminated immediately. Before fix browser was closed, but it took some time until connection was terminated. (RKAN-6VXJBP)
    * Improvement in reconnecting to live video stream
    * IAP group handling updated
    * Live and MPEG4 streaming corrected
    * 3G Homezone wildcarding correction
    * Mobile VPN Client connection improvements

    * BMP download supported on DRM
    * welcome application
    * startup settings: access point database update
    * Corrected interoperability problems with Intellisync Mobile Suite, MSN Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger applications
    * Corrected stability issue with Download! Client
    * Corrected usability issue in security lock / slide interoperability
    * A case causing 'contact retailer' to be shown fixed
    * Improvement to powerkey functionality in certain situations
    * Improved call handling during streaming
    * . -key fix in Bopomofo input method
    * Audio beeps at certain situations at more convient level
    * Czech characters added
    * Localizations added
    * Lights are turned on when USSD message is received
    * Improvement to SMSC number handling with certain SIM cards
    * Improvement for phone lock code handling
    * Improvement for certificate management
    * Menu option "Delete operator settings" made removable
    * Interaction between Team Suite and Contacts enhanced
    * A unique name given to Watcher plugin thread
    * Java installer improvements
    * SIM ATK refresh enhancement
    * Chinese In Device Search improved
    * Printing of documents and pictures improved with Quickoffice
    * Key handling functionality with Java corrected
    * Operator name list updated
    * World clock changes
    * Memory handling related improvements
    * Improvement to co-operation of the device and F-Secure application
    * Localization changes
    * Automatic settings configuration updated


  • hab ich auch shcon gemacht mit dem produkt code. leider auch nichts neues :(

    schade das die nicht ein update raus bringen für alle n95. das immer wieder irgendwas unterteilt werden muss nervt echt

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