Nokia Firmwareversionen (fast) alle hier im Posting!

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    Original geschrieben von SirShagalot
    Oder hier schauen.

    Oder über die altmodische Art per Boardsuche:


    Danke Dir! Kris Ceim oder so kenn ich war da schon mal... hat mich bisl angegangen... aber solang er seine arbeit ordenlich mach geb ich ihm noch ne chance... ;)

    danke nochmal...

    viele grüsse

  • Das hab ich auf dem Howard Forum gelezen:

    Here are the new things in thes FW:

    1. You can turn the 5 way dpad keys into shortcuts.
    2. You can disable the "preview" picture that shows up after you take a picture to speed up taking pictures.
    3. The menu opeining time is faster.
    4. The phone opens up faster.
    5. When up put an MP3 as a ringtone it doesnt start low and gets stronger it begins already strong.
    6. While surfing with the built-in browser instead of having the two little arrows at the bottom of the screen you have a slide bar at the side of the screen.
    7. The words you save in your t9 dictionary dont get deleted after you turn off your phone.

    Thats all for now if I will find new things I will post them..

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