Nokia Firmwareversionen (fast) alle hier im Posting!

  • Woops,soll 3510i heißen.:D

    Gruß Dominik

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von NoKiA4LiFe
    Woops,soll 3510i heißen.:D

    Gruß Dominik

    Hi Dom,

    mach mir doch nicht immer Hoffnung auf was neues ;)

  • 8250 NSM-3D v6.02

    Changes made from version 6.00 to 6.02:

    - Memory copy correction, if name to be copied to SIM don’t fit
    - If SIM card has longer name field than 20 characters, several misbehaviour occurred. Now phone
    restricts name to 20 characters.
    - Updated operators list

    GSM Operators field updated (Name: MCC/MNC) :
    New Operators
    Thuraya 424/05
    TajikTel 436/05
    3 HK 454/03
    LATMIL 457/03

    Operator name changed
    Old name New name MCC/MNC
    Vodafone HU vodafone HU 216/70
    VODAFONE vodafone UK 234/15
    NetCom GSM N NetCom GSM 242/02
    Vodafone D2 vodafone DE 262/02
    VODAFONE P vodafone PT 268/01
    IRL Vodafone vodafone IE 272/01
    K’CELL KZ KCELL 401/02
    YEM-SABA YEMSA 421/01
    HK SMARTONE SmarTone 454/06
    CHTLDM CHTM 466/92
    VODAFONE Vodafone AU 505/03
    H3GA 3 AUS 505/06
    VODAFONE NZ vodafone NZ 530/01

  • 3310 NHM-5 v05.87

    Changes made from version 05.79 to version 05.87:

    - SIM ATK:
    - After executing SIM ATK “Play Tone” command it is possible to stop the command by pressing a soft key “OK”
    - Improved functionality when editing data in SIM ATK command “Get Input”
    - Messaging:
    - Some of the Russian fonts were shown as a square. Now correct Russian native characters are shown
    - The Unicode paragraph separator (0x2029) was shown as square when reading a received message. Now this character is treated as a certain return (a new line character)
    - Languages:
    - Arabic T9 and English T9 characters are not mixed up
    - Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian T9 support added
    - Language package L is split to three packages (see also APPENDIX):
    Before:L Now:L W Y
    - All type of calendar notes from other Nokia phones are possible to receive and save as reminders
    - When naming a tone in the following languages: Sesotho, Swahili, Zulu, Indonesian, Serbian and tagalog
    - Ringing tone Frog renamed to Croak
    - Possible to use more than 30 characters in the USSD string
    - Added support for new flash memories
    - Operator name list updated

  • 2100 NAM-2 v05.21

    Changes from version 5.11 to 5.21:

    Bug fixing: temporary solution for error "insert SIM card when reading concatenated SMS".
    Bug fixing: the cursor can not displayed correctly when English T9 is on.
    Add language package PPM S for Farsi.
    Latin American requirements implementation.

  • 6100

    6100 latest firmware 4.70
    Change Notes (compared to earlier v4.03)
    • Several improvements with respect to “tones lost”
    (user experiences that the phone does not alert in case of an incoming call)
    • Ear speaker audio quality improvement (changed DSP parameter set)
    • Backlight handling improved for incoming group caller alerts
    • Audio volume improvement
    • World Clock II, Bounce (APAC only) and Converter applications updated
    • Support of PC-Suite 5.1
    • Ignition sense support in car kits
    • Headsets HS-10 and HS-2R supported
    • Several operator names added (please refer to “Amendment” section)

  • 6610


    die neuste SW für das 6610 und für das 7210 ist die Version 4.74!

    Sie sollte in einigen Tagen in allen NSC verfügbar sein!


  • hallo zusammen!
    ich habe jetzt 23 seiten in diesem thread gelesen,und bin nicht ans ziel gekommen,jetzt wollt ich es auf diesem wege mal versuchen,obs schneller geht:

    also ich würde gern wissen was die neuste fw fürs 3650 ist und ob ich mir die auch in nem nokiashop draufmachen lassen kann,weil in der nsc liste krefeld nicht draufsteht sondern nur nen shop hat.
    hoffe auf eine shcnelle antwort,

    viele grüße

  • Hallo,

    hättest Du Dir wirklich alle Seiten durchgelesen, so hättest Du Dir das Posting sparen können :rolleyes:

    Es steht doch auf fast jeder Seite, dass die aktuellen SW Versionen IMMER sofort ins Startposting kommen...


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