Nokia Firmwareversionen (fast) alle hier im Posting!

  • Zitat

    Original geschrieben von Rauch Jürgen
    Kann ich die auch in einem NSC drauf machen lassen oder nur bei O² Neugeräten ??

    Ich war am Mittwoch im Nokiashop, um mir noch einmal die 3.44.1 aufzuspielen, hatte sie mir selber zerschossen. Dort untersuchte man mein Gerät und versuchte mir, neutrale Software aufzuspielen, was nicht ging, das Gerät sperrte. Selbst die V 3.44.1 konnte nicht neu aufgespielt werden, man bat mich, das Gerät zu O2 zu bringen.

  • Nokia 6800 NHL-6 Version 5.46

    New product data package version 3.0 has been released for NHL-6.

    Please note when flashing a phone with SW 3.14 to SW 5.46: To enable also updating of the java-applications (e-mail client etc.) to latest versions you must enable also content package flashing by selecting option “Phone as Manufactured” in Flashing menu. Please use User Settings/All Settings –feature in Phoenix to save user settings before flashing and to restore user settings to the phone after flashing. For more detailed instructions see APPENDIX I.

    Known limitations with user settings:

    - Reading/writing some settings may show an error, but should not cause failing of the whole flashing procedure
    - Notes can not be restored

    It is also possible to re-flash the phone software with different language package than the original one, but please note the following limitations:

    1. Language packages include QWERTY-keyboard dependent drivers. You might have to change the flip in order to make the keyboard functions work correctly.
    2. NEVER try to restore a user data back up set that has been read with another language package.
    3. The cost for changing the phone language must be charged from the end user.

    Changes/improvements made from MCU SW version 3.14 to version 5.46:

    - Call and network management:
    - User interface modification to PLMN search
    - Improvements to voice call functionality in weak field
    - Auto answering feature added using CARKIT-126
    - Call Divert icon not disappear after power off & on
    - Java application downloading in routing area change
    - AT+CHRS=1 command
    - E-mail retrieving with POP3
    - SIM:
    - Call control response improvement with DTMF string
    - MMS/SMS:
    - E-mail over SMS functionality activated
    - E-mail:
    - OTA settings through SMS API supported
    - Improved E-mail performance and flash memory handling
    - Improved memory full –situation handling when changing mailbox settings
    - Improved handling of empty fields when saving mailbox settings
    - Improved big cc –and bcc –fields handling
    - Changed application handling of wrong GPRS settings
    - Added more generic error notes, because all information is not received from network
    - Progress indication added to UI
    - Main Menu/Settings menu structure changed
    - Removed “Deleted Messages” –folder
    - E-mail headers hidden in viewer
    - Support for same character encoding in reply as in viewing
    - “Delete when downloading” menu item removed
    - Blackberry E-mail: Added new application for Blackberry email BES support. This is operator specific feature and needs activation in production. In most country variants this messaging feature is usually disabled.
    - Notes:
    - Automatic uppercase in start up from qwerty side added
    - Synchronisation:
    - End –key handling improvements while synchronisation is ongoing
    - Browser:
    - WAP connection not disconnected after download when not opening midlet
    - Games:
    - Bounce updated (1.13 -> 1.18
    - Triple POP updated (1.6 -> 1.7)
    - Applications:
    - Converter II updated (1.7 -> 2.3)
    - Portfolio II updated (1.4 -> 1.5)
    - Languages:
    - Dutch: When downloading a Java application the word ‘gedownload’ added
    - Polish: Removed duplicates of <and> characters
    - Danish: Some translations changed in Triple pop settings
    - Russia/Ukraine/Latvian/Lithuanian: added uppercase Z with caron from qwerty side
    - Tone adjust layout in ringing volume, keypad tones changed to level control
    - Status indicators added to partial display mode (e.g. missed call indicator or silent profile indicator)
    - Improvement for scrolling animation menu on WAP browser
    - Autotuning support added
    - Operator name list updated:

    New operators:
    "SWEDEN 3G" (240/05)
    "RA 04" (283/04)
    "IDEA" (404/04)
    "HUTCH" (404/84)
    "MTC-VFBH" (426/02)
    "IR MTCE" (432/19)
    "TLS-TT" (514/02)
    "VODACOM CD" (630/01)
    "DJ EVATIS" (638/01)
    "HURI" (654/01)
    "Gio NG" (621/50)
    "BRA TA" (724/05)
    "AF TDCA" (412/20)
    "KL-Frigate" (545/09)
    "SMARTS" (250/15)
    "LK Mobitel" (413/71)
    "Indigo-T" (436/02)
    "KR KTF" (450/02)
    "KR KTF" (450/08
    "PNGBMobile" (537/01)
    "CELTEL SL" (619/01)
    "SWEDEN" (240/04)
    "Somoncom" (436/01)
    "J-PHONE" (440/20)

    Operator name changed:
    "O2 NL" - "NL Telfort" - (204/12)
    "BEL PROXIMUS" - "PROXIMUS" - (206/01)
    "A one" - "one" - (232/05)
    "3" - "3 SE" - (240/02)
    "AMC AL" - "AMC AL" - (276/01)
    "TATA" - "IDEA" - (404/07)
    "BARAKAAT" - "TELESOM" - (637/01)
    "UTL Telecel" - "mango" - (641/11)
    "AMC MOBIL" - "AMC AL" - (276/01)
    "PROXIMUS" - "BEL PROXIMUS" - (206/01)
    "MTS AD" - "MKD COSMOFON" - (294/02)
    "CHTM" - "Chunghwa" - (466/92)
    "Vodafone HU" - "vodafone HU" - (216/70)
    "Montel" - "Orange FL" - (295/02)
    "Mobifone" - "VN MOBIFONE" - (452/01)
    "YEMSA" - "SabaFon" - (421/01)
    "DIGITEL" - "SUN" - (515/05)
    "CELLPLUS" - "CELLPLUS MRU" - (617/01)
    "CVMOVEL" - "CPV MOVEL" - (625/01)
    "BM Vista" - "Orange" - (652/02)

    Blackberry kann natürlich jeder Servicepartner freischalten, da muss das Gerät nicht in die Produktion zurück. PP-Bit 31 auf On bzw. 1 - Fertig! Die Insider wissen Bescheid.

  • Firmware 6600

    hallo ,habe mein 6600 seid mitte februar 04.wenn ich die firmware abfrage kommt folgendes :v3.44.1 03-11-03 nhl-10 . das müßte ja dann eine ganz neue sein.

  • Re: Firmware 6600


    Original geschrieben von garfild
    hallo ,habe mein 6600 seid mitte februar 04.wenn ich die firmware abfrage kommt folgendes :v3.44.1 03-11-03 nhl-10 . das müßte ja dann eine ganz neue sein.

    Nein, die ist alt. In diesem Thread stehen alle erdenklichen Firmwareversion deutscher Nokiahandies. Diese Version ist auch aufgelistet. Desweiteren sagt schon "v3.44.1 03-11-03 nhl-10 " aus, daß sie vom 3.11.2003 ist. Wir haben März 2004.

    Gruß Dominik

  • 7650 Update

    Hallo kann mir jemand sagen wo ich die aktuele software firmware runterladen kann denn ich habe noch die V4.36 11-10-02 NHL-2NA


  • Hallo,

    Herzlich Willkommen bei TT!

    Firmware- Versionen werden nicht von Dir (illegal!) sondern von einem Nokia Service Center (legal!) aufs Handy gespielt.
    Die findest solch ein Center in Deiner Nähe über die Nokia- Seite! :)

    Viele Grüße und viel Spaß noch bei TT!


    Das Software- Update ist innerhalb der Garantiezeit kostenlos!

  • Hallo danke dir für das schreiben da ich ja noch ein jahr garantie habe kann ich es ja machen . Übriegens wie lange dauer das mit demm aufspielen geht es gleich oder wie?.

    Grüß Lion


  • Hallo,

    Wenn der Service- Mensch Zeit hat oder Ihr vorher einen Termin abgemacht habt, dann sollte das nicht länger als 15- 20min dauern.
    Du solltest vorher die Daten sichern, denn manchmal wird das vergessen und dann ist alles futsch. ;)

    Alles weitere findest Du auch in vielen Threads dazu im Nokia- Forum! :)
    (Sucheingabe: "7650 update" oder "7650 firmware"!)

    Viele Grüße


  • 3100 RH-19 5.02

    New Product Data Package v4.00 (MCU SW 5.02) has been released for RH-19.

    Changes/improvements from MCU SW version 4.01 to version 5.02:

    - Call and network management:
    - NITZ (Network Identity and Time Zone) default settings activated for Brazil
    - “Cell selection / reselection after lack of coverage” improved
    - Messaging:
    - Handling of corrupted picture messages improved
    - The phone doesn’t send MMS to itself when using “Reply to all”
    - Java / games and applications
    - “JAVA Install Notification for Ericsson Gateway” improved
    - New version 2.1 of QQ Midlet implemented
    - Russian T9 library updated
    - SW support for new display added
    - New expression menu graphics exchanged
    - Rounded corners on battery, signal bars and progress indicator
    - New icons for gallery folders and tones
    - Volume bars
    - Operator names list updated:

    New operators:
    "Indigo" - (310/30) GSM850/1900
    "CBW" - (310/420) GSM1900
    "AMIGO" - (340/08
    "IRAQNA" - (418/30)
    "NE TELECEL" - (614/03)
    "CTIMovil" - (722/310) GSM850/1900
    "CORR" - (310/80) GSM1900
    "MILLCOM SL" - (619/02)
    "VodaCom-MZ" - (643/04)

    Name changed:
    "FI 2G" - "FINNET" - (244/12)
    "Islandss" - "Og Vodafone" - (274/03)
    "Conestoga" - "IMMIX" - (310/690) GSM1900
    "J-PHONE" - "Vodafone JP" - (440/30)
    "maxis" - "MY MAXIS" - (502/12)
    "SingTel-G9" - "SingTel" - (525/01)
    "NG NITEL" - "NG Mtel" - (621/40)
    "ESSAR" - "Hutch" - (404/01)
    "ESSAR" - "Hutch" - (404/15)
    "ESSAR" - "Hutch" - (404/60)
    "BRA TA" - "BRA CL" - (724/05)

    Known limitations:

    - Sometimes Phoenix may display an error writing “Graphics Settings” during the restoration of user data into a previously SW updated phone.
    - When using ‘Restore User Phone’ with attached gaming cover (= ‘active cover’), saving of data succeeds but restoring fails. Solution: remove attached gaming covers prior to starting SW update.

Jetzt mitmachen!

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