Nokia 3510i (RH-9) v3.51 - Was ist neu?

  • Mich würde mal interessieren, was an der neuen SW fürs 3510i neu ist. Wüsste nicht, wo "normale" Menschen das nachgucken könnten.

    Wäre sehr dankbar..

  • Ich hab auch die 3.40 drauf. Nur ich würde gerne wissen, ob sich ein Update lohnt.
    Was ist denn an der Version neu?

  • 3510i RH-9 v3.51 Datapackage 11

    Changes made from MCU version 3.40 to version 3.51:

    -Soft Notification Note in Memory full state. Phone displays "Multimedia memory full, view waiting msg."
    -Inserted image's name character coding right when using non-ASCII characters. Non-ASCII characters will be shown as “_”.
    -MMS settings sets are possible to save when GPRS always online activated
    -Handling of WAP push when receiving more than one file improved
    -“Yes” soft key has been added when saving duplicate in Phone book
    -Hyphenation of SkyDiver’s note texts have been changed.
    -Keyguard active indicator is displayed when creating emergency call
    -When Unlock has been press and then *” is shown.
    -SW info (*#0000# in Chinese). Font size has been changed to fit the display.
    -View note when alarm expires is possible when having the keypad locked. Note can be viewed by pressing “View”.
    -Gallery: Not enough memory, delete X.X kB is displayed when opening in Multimedia Player and memory almost full and selecting item to delete.
    -Ringing tone and vibra continues until “Answer key” is pressed even when number keys are pressed repeatedly at incoming call.
    -Support for new flash components added

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