6 neue Songs von green Day kostenfrei downloaden

  • Dieses Streaming bietet doch eigentlich jeder Artist auf seiner MySpace Seite an.

    Bisher gabs immer die Möglichkeit sich jedes Lied bei youtube anzuhören aber da werden in letzter Zeit leider reihenweise Inhalte gelöscht

  • Genauer:


    On December 8, 2007, Foxboro Hot Tubs' official website released the band's debut EP, Stop Drop and Roll, in streaming and downloadable mp3 formats, free of charge to the listener. Five days later, on December 13, the mp3's were taken off the website, which then displayed just a clock. The mp3's were reinstated on December 16, but were again removed and replaced with the clock; later the website was changed to simply redirect to the band's MySpace.

    Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foxboro_Hot_Tubs

    Die Uhr ;) : http://www.foxborohottubs.com/

    Mit Grüßen ...

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