Heute kam folgende Email :mad:
Dear ...............,
We deeply regret to inform you that Global Termination Corporation (GT) has
been purchased by an East Asian Company in September, 2011.
Unfortunately the board of new directors decided last week against servicing
GT's in-house products (GT-SIM) and its customers. The decision was made
against the previous owner. The result being is to completely shut down
GT's in-house platform with all of the existing customers by end
of September, 2013.
That means that all the GT's in-house SIMs and services will be ceased by
end of September, 2013 and you will no longer be able to use GT-SIMs
and services after September, 2013.
As we do not have a refund policy in GT, now we can only encourage you
to use your GT-SIMs and services as much as possible so that you would
not have any remaining balance left after the GT in-house platform has
been ceased.
Note that the automatic refill and manual refill have both been deactivated
on GT-SIM's platform.
We thank you for staying with GT all these years and truly apologize for
all the inconveniences caused.
Many thanks!
With best regards
Your Online Team
Global Termination Corporation - Mill Mall Suite 6 , Wickhams Cay 1
Road Town , Tortola - British Virgin Island
P: 44 7924 353535 - E: helpdesk@gt-phone.com