für alle die dieses Feature für sinnvoll halten, habe ich evtl. eine schlechte Nachricht. Denn ich habe in diesem Thread im AllAboutSymbian-Forum folgendes gefunden
ZitatAlles anzeigenMore official bad news from SE. There will be no possibility for developers to adress the built-in camera on the P800. What that means: there will be no way to write software that turns the P800 into a videocamera or webcam, surveillance camera or whatever. SE say that there is a risk that hackers use the camera to spy on people, so they don't provide the API (tools) to work with the camera. Ridiculous. The camera in Nokia 7650 is freely available to developers. If hackers decide what honest developers can do, we live in a reversed world.
From the SE Developers Forum, this was posted by SE Develepor Support people:
"For this product it was decided to not disclose a native camera API towards third party developers.
One concern can be that the existing internal API's are not suitable for exposure (no pun intended) towards third parties and would require an abstraction layer for acceptable robustness. A public API needs to be concise, well documented and robust.
There are also considerable security/integrity issues associated with disclosing a public camera API. Image capture is a powerful capability in a Internet connected device and could easily be abused by malicious applications without end user awareness.
Someone assessing risks could say that the immediate availability of network connectivity in combination with image capture is a sitting duck waiting for those rogue apps to strike. Of course for a developer it is a very exciting feature to play with.
In case of the P800 the camera feature is available to end users through the integrated native 'Communicam' application."
Ich bin mal gespannt wie Nokia sich beim 3650 verhält, denn die Problematik ist ja die Selbe. Eine offenliegende Kamera. Ich persönlich halte das jedoch nicht wirklich für relevant. Denn wie bzw. wo soll ich denn mein Handy liegen haben, damit eine Software wirklich interessante Bilder aufnehmen kann. I.d.R knippst sie den die Tischplatte oder meine Jackeninnentasche...
Naja, vielleicht wird die API ja nachgereicht, wenn zuviele Anwender nach einem solchen Feature verlangen...