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Das beste Review habe ich hier gesehen, für WM6 für Smartphones und für PPC.…cles/wm-crossbow-en.shtml…les/wm6-standard-en.shtml
Die größten Änderungen:
Foremost updates in Windows Mobile 6 Standard:
* Revamped looks, new icons;
* Completely new sound scheme;
* Increased interface speed;
* Bundled IP-telephony (VoIP, SIP standard);
* Smart Dial 2.0, fast contacts search, integrated call history
* Ability to customize any event with an individual tune (including MP3);
* Support for shortcuts in Outlook Mobile;
* Full-fledged handling of appointments;
* HTML support is letters;
* Smart Filter – handy and fast search through messages;
* Numerous changes for MS Exchange 2007 compatibility enhancement;
* Integration with Windows Live online services;
* Marketplace – installation, purchasing applications directly from the device;
* Encryption –built-in memory card encryption.
Pocket PC:
The list of major changes introduced in Windows Mobile 6.0 for Pocket PC:
* Revamped outlook, refined icons;
* Totally re-mastered sound theme;
* Increased interface speed;
* Bundled IP-telephony (VoIP, SIP standard);
* Smart Dial 2.0, fast search through contacts, call history; removable on-screen virtual keyboard;
* Any tune can be assigned to any event;
* Support for shortcuts in Outlook Mobile;
* Full-fledged meetings arrangement system;
* Support for HTML in messages;
* Smart Filter – handy and fast search through messages;
* Numerous MS Exchange 2007-tailored changes;
* Integration with Windows Live online-services;
* Marketplace – purchase, download, and install directly from the device;
* Encryption – bundled memory card encryption
ZitatOriginal geschrieben von lixxxy
Foremost updates in Windows Mobile 6 Standard:
* Completely new sound scheme;
* Ability to customize any event with an individual tune (including MP3);
Sehr interessant, kann ich so allerdings nicht ganz bestätigen... ich hab jedenfalls für SMS nicht alle Sound-Dateien zur Verfügung wie bei den Klingeltönen, obwohl sie im selben Ordner sind :confused:
Laut der Review sollen ja MP3 für alles möglich sein oder hab ich da was überlesen. Demnach müßte man ja auch den Slider-Sound einfach tauschen können... aber in welchen Ordner und welches Format schluckt das Ding dann? MP3?
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